Time For a Haircut...

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A week after their first Tankery lesson, Ben and his crew practiced almost every afternoon, as their try out match loomed. It was merely a week away...

Beep! Beep! Beep!

"Ugh" Ben moaned, sitting up in bed, rubbing his eyes. "Time for another day at school..."

He then got up from bed and walked into the kitchen of his apartment. As he sat at his table eating his breakfast he realised something, something very important...

"Its a Saturday!" Ben announced to himself and his empty apartment. "No school! I have the whole day to myself"

Although he would like to spend time with Yukari over the weekend, he was too nervous to call or even text her to ask if she wanted to do anything. In any case, even if he could arrange something, he couldn't imagine how bad his nerves would be if he spent time with her outside of school.

"Useless..." Ben berated himself over his lack of confidence.

"What can I do then?..." he asked himself as he ran his right hand across his forehead, brushing his fringe out of his eyes.

"I suppose I should go get a hair cut" he said, sighing as he grabbed his phone and wallet and headed out of his apartment and onto the street.

"I just need to find a hairdresser" He said to himself as he walked down the street.

He didn't know where the nearest hairdresser was as he hadn't really spent much time looking around town, but he figured he'd use him looking for a hairdresser and getting a haircut as a way to spend the day. Not to mention that doing such things would limit him having time to think about Yukari, and how much he wanted to tell her how he felt...

After about half and hour of walking unfamiliar streets and failing to find a hairdresser. He finally saw a sign across the street for a hairdresser.

"'Akiyama Hairdressing'... Of course..." Ben said softly as he chuckled to himself. 

"This had to be the only hairdresser in town, didn't it?..." He mused to himself as he crossed the street and headed for the front door.

Ben opened the door and heard a door bell ring as he did. He then walked up towards the reception desk, where he could see a taller man with his back turned to him.

As he approached the desk the man turned around and remarked, "Hello there, how can I help you son?"

"Ah, I'd like to get a haircut, if you've got an opening" He replied, his heart rate increasing 

(Ben in head) "He must be her father..." 

"Of course, someone is just getting finished up, they should be finished in a few minutes then you can get your hair cut", Mr Akiyama replied.

He nodded his head and took a seat in the waiting area of the room, not knowing what to say.

"So, you look like you'd go to school here in town, just like my little girl" Mr Akiyama stated, breaking the ice.

"Ah, yes sir I do" Ben replied softly, sometimes being shy around people he didn't know too well.

"So do you know Yukari then?" Mr Akiyama asked.

"Ah, I do sir, she's in my Tankery crew actually" Ben replied trying to loosen up.

"Oh, so whats your name son?" Mr Akiyama asked, his expression changing to a light smile.

"My name is Ben" He replied, getting up from his seat to shake Mr Akiyama's hand.

"Ah, so your that guy Yukari is always talking about"

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