A Barrage of Questions

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Despite his thoughts he hurriedly made his way to the school office. Once he arrived he was greeted by one of the office staff.

"Ah, hello there. What can I help you with?"

"Um, I'm new here, I was told to come to the office by this form"

"Oh of course,  welcome then Ben~"


"I'll take this and finalize it for you, but first I'll show you to your first class"

"Ah, okay, thanks" 

"Let's see here, your first class is... World war 2 history in this room... Just here...", she said as she led him through what seemed like a maze of corridors. "Why don't you go and introduce yourself to the class and teacher" 

"Alright, thanks again", he said as she walked away.

He tentatively knocked on the door, and heard a male voice say, "Come in". He opened the door and saw who he assumed, was his teacher in front of him, leaning on his desk. He looked to the left as he approached the teacher, seeing a whole room of people he didn't know starring at him.

"So, what can I help you with?", the teacher asked.

"I'm new to the school sir, this is one of my classes", he replied.

"Ah, so you're interested in world war 2 are you?", he asked as he stood up to face him.

"Yes sir, its my favorite topic" Ben replied, hearing whispering to his left.

"Alright then, it looks like we've got us another newcomer class, you know what that means..." he says as the class starts to talk louder.

Almost the whole class was looking at Ben and talking among themselves, its now that he saw a familiar face sitting in the corner of the front row, it was that girl from earlier! But before he could spend anytime thinking about her again, the teacher began to speak.

"Okay, now, in my class I like to test the knowledge of my new students. Thus the seating arrangement of this room is arranged so that the most knowledgeable students when they come, are seated in the front row. You will be asked a question about any facet of world war 2 from one person in each row, starting at the back. If you don't know the answer to the question then you will be sitting in the row before the question row"

"Make sense?" he asked

"Ah, yes sir!" Ben replied, surprised at this, but also happy for a chance to demonstrate his knowledge.

"Alright, back row, if you please" the teacher said.

"What were the two companies that built prototypes for the tiger 1?" asked a student from the back row.

"That would be Porsche and Henschel", he replied, confident in his answer.

"Very good", said the teacher, "next row please"

"What was the name of the German operation that led to the battle of Kursk?" asked another student from the next row.

"Operation Citadel", he replied, once again confident in his answer. This wasn't so hard, Ben thought to himself, I wonder what the 'hardest' front row question will be, and I wonder if that girl will be asking it...

"Correct, next question", announced the teacher.

"What was the name of the battleship, built in world war 2, that had the largest guns ever mounted on a warship on it?" asked the second row student.

"A tricky question..." The teacher said, looking at him as if he wouldn't know the answer.

"The Yamato...", he said flatly, not considering the question a challenge at all.

"huh..." said the student, "no-one I've ever asked has known the answer before..."

"haha", the teacher chuckled to himself, "well it seems like our new student is quite knowledgeable, well done"

"Thank you sir" Ben replied softly

"However I must warn you, on-one has been able to answer the questions of my two best students in the front row before..."

Ben looked over and see the fluffy haired girl from before, who seemed to be avoiding eye contact, and a girl with yellow hair who is looking at him intently with a smirk on her face. "This should be interesting..." he thought to himself.

"Well there's a first time for everything sir!"

"Indeed" he replied

"OK, Riko you're up"

"You got it!" she proclaims loudly as she jumped to her feet, staring Ben down.

"You're smart to have made it this far, but you won't make it any further, I can assure you of that..." she warned, still smirking, clearly sure he wouldn't be able to answer her question.

"What was the name of Erwin Rommel's Famous Africa Korps before it was given that name?"

"Ah, a question about the Desert Fox, eh?, Easy..." Ben said starring back at her.

"W-well whats the answer then?" she said shakily, clearly shocked by his reaction.

"The Panzer Army Africa" he say, as her jaw drops.

"No way... Its not possible..." she huffs as she sits back down.

"hahaha, I guess your streak is over Riko, our new student will be sitting in the front row with you and Yukari from now on", the teacher said, as he started to talk to Ben about the class, he even gave Ben a name to call him, Mr Kluge. But while he was talking he couldn't stop thinking about that girl, now he knew her name... Yukari.


"Don't sulk Riko", said Yukari.

"I-I'm not", she responded with her arms firmly crossed.

"I guess he's just as knowledgeable as us..." Yukari said, looking at Riko expecting a response.

"I-I guess so, I'm just not used to it... Especially since he's a... a guy" Riko responded, pouting.

"Yeah, its weird, isn't it. He knew all of the answers and..." Yukari trailed off.

"And what?" Riko asked

"W-well he's kinda cute too, I-I guess..." Yukari said looking away in embarrassment.

"Awww, does someone have a crush?" Riko asked in a mocking tone.

"N-no, and keep your voice down" Yukari said looking over to where Ben and the teacher were talking.

"haha, of course you don't..." mocked Riko, seeing that she was looking at Ben "Well since you don't have a crush on him, there's no reason why he can't sit next to you then~"

"B-But you sit next to me, how can he?" Yukari asked

"We'll let him sit in between us, so that he can get to know both of us since he's new here..."

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