Financial Aid Office

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Nancy's a single mom and she got a full Pell Grant,

She's lucky.

Jeremy Woodhall III's daddy is sending him to college, all expenses paid.

He's lucky.

Jerome won a football scholarship.

He's lucky.

My parents both work overtime, my baby sister is still in high school and my brother just moved back into the house after he lost his job.

We're not so lucky.

So I'm sitting in the financial aid office, waiting my turn and watching the clock so I won't be late to work again and lunch is the small bag of Cheetos and a Diet Coke I just got out of the vending machine and I have a term paper due in two days that I haven't even started writing and my skanky roommate and her drunkass boyfriend kept me up f****** half the night.

My eyes start to close as 0.0 the clerk calls out my name.

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