32. I'm In Love With My Car

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"I put my heart and soul into this song," I tell Brian and Deaky. I stand over the stove, making breakfast for myself while Brian and John are already eating. We were reviewing each others songs to get opinions but for some reason they decided to poke fun at mine. 

"No one is disputing that," John tells me.

"And you don't like it because you want your songs on the album," I say over him. Whether it's true or not I don't know, but what I do know is that I can't trust anyone right now. We've all been on each others toes lately. 

"It's not that Roger,"

"Then what is it?" I ask harshly.

Brian gives me a grimace. "'I'm in love with my car'," he says. I stop mid cut of bread to look at them. Deaky gives a look of agreement. "Maybe it's not strong enough?" 

"What does that even mean? 'Not strong enough'..." I huff. 

"I know I'm late. What did I miss?" Freddie says, entering the room. I resume to cooking but I feel my fuse rising. 

"We're discussing Roger's car song," Deaky says with a hint of amusement in his features. I stop everything I'm doing to face the three lads in front of me. My eyebrows furrow in frustration. 

"Is it strong enough, that's all I'm asking," Brian says, holding both his hands up. "If I'm on my own here..then I apologize," 

"How does your new song go then, hmm?" I ask, reaching forward to grab the sheet music in front of Brian. I feel everyones eyes on me as I focus in on the lyrics. "'You call me sweet, like I'm some sort of cheese'," 

Brian looks at the other two boys, both of whom are avoiding eye contact with the both of us. "It's good," he says. 


"Is that - is that - you know," Brian says, reaching forward and grabbing my song that I wrote. "'When my hand's on your grease gun'," Deaky and Freddie snicker. "That's very subtle isn't it?"

"It's a metaphor Brian," I snap. 

"It's just a bit weird Roger," Deaky says, waving his fork around with a sausage on top. "What exactly are you doing with that car?" 

"Children please," Freddie cuts us off. My face heats from rage when I look at him. "We could all murder each other but then who would be left to record this album?" 

"Statistically speaking, most bands don't fail if they break up," Deaky says. What a ray of sunshine. 

"Why the hell would you say something like that?" Freddie asks. Deaky shrugs. Freddie takes a sip of coffee from he cup in front of him. "Roger there's only room in this band for one hysterical queen," he gives me a disapproving look before heading towards the exit, probably for another smoke. 

"I know why you're angry Roger," Brian says, continuing our conversation from earlier. My anger still has not died down. 

"Why?" I ask through gritted teeth. 

"Because you know your song isn't strong enough," 

If he wants to poke the bear, then he's going to get attacked. 

I reach over to the stove where I was cooking bacon for myself, and grab a handful of it. I throw it at Brian's face. Brian the vegetarian might I add. 

"Is that strong enough?" I ask sarcastically. Then I wipe the entire counter clean of everyones dishes, Deaky and Brian grimacing slightly. "What about that?!" I throw a couple more things off of tables and shelves before reaching for our coffee machine. I raise it above my head, about to smash it. 

"Not the coffee machine!" John and Brian exclaim in unison. I stop just as I'm about to break it. They're right. We need the coffee here to function. Plus smashing things isn't exactly getting anywhere. 

So I come up with a better plan.



"Hello?" I answer cheerily, expecting it to be Roger. 

"Hi Maddie," Deaky says through the phone. He sounds tired and just mentally done. 

"Hi Deaky!" I say. 

"Listen, there's a little bit of a...situation," he says awkwardly. He doest even need to tell me anything before I know it has something to do with Roger and I have a feeling it's one of his antics. 

"What kind of situation?" I ask. 

John sighs. "Roger - well you know how temperamental he can get. He was smashing things earlier over this song and threw bacon at Brian-"

"John what happened?" I cut off his rambling.

"Roger's locked himself in a cupboard and we don't know how to get him out," 

I'll admit, out of all of the possibilities for what Roger could have done this was not on my list. 

"You don't know how to get him out?" I ask slowly. 


I huff. "Why has he locked himself in there?"

"He refuses to come out unless his song is on the album," John explains. I sigh heavily. "Would you possibly be able to come out and try to talk sense into him?" 

I glance at the clock. If I leave now I could be there in three and a half hours.

"I could, but I don't want to impose. This is your away time and you don't need distractions," I sigh. The phone sounds like it's getting shuffled around due to the grunting and static I hear on the other end. 

"Hello Maddie," Freddie says. "Your boyfriend is being a little shit and he won't listen to us. We need you to come so you can get him out so he can stop being a child. It's causing a delay and riff with out music,"

"Is the song really that bad to not be on the album?" I ask Freddie. Freddie doesn't answer. "Yes I'll come, but one of you owes me gas money," 

"Thank you so much, darling," Freddie breathes a sigh of relief.

We exchange goodbyes and hangup. God I love Roger, but I'm so going to kill him when I see him. 

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