43. The Taylors

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"I'm shitting myself," I mutter as Rog pulls up outside of his old house. I need to pull it together. 

Roger laughs and puts the car in park. He takes on of my hands in his and rubs his thumb over the top of it. 

"I'll do the talking," he says to calm me. "They're going to love you, I promise," 

He lifts my hand up to his lips and kisses it softly. I smile at him before the two of us get out of his car. He takes my hand in his once more, holding it as we walk to the front door. Roger knocks three times and a second later the door is swung open. A young girl stands there with a grin on her face. She must be Roger's sister. 

"Hi Rog," she says. Roger lets go of my hand so he can give his sister a quick hug. She turns to me and grins, throwing her arms around me. "You must be Madison," she says in my ear before pulling away. 

"It's so nice to finally meet you," I tell the girl. My tenseness disperses from the warm energy she radiates. 

"Maddie, this is Clare. Clare, Maddie," Roger says. 

"I have heard all about you," Clare beams. "Please come in. Mum's in the kitchen and Dad is..somewhere," 

The three of us walk through the house to the back where the kitchen is. My eyes can't help but wander all around. Pictures of Clare and Roger litter the walls. I want to investigate them closer to take in every detail, but we reach the kitchen where inside is a woman with blonde curly hair and large framed glasses. 

"Hello Mum," Roger greets her. She looks up from where she was bent over the table, mixing spices in a bowl. A grin spreads on her face when she sees her son. 

"Oh Roger," she says, briskly walking over to give Roger a hug and a big kiss on the cheek. Roger winces. 

"That was a wet one," he mumbles. Clare giggles from next to me. 

Roger's mum glances over at me. 

"Mum," Roger says, gesturing to me like I'm some grand prize. "This is Madison," 

Roger's mum walks over to me and places her hands on my shoulders. She looks at me and just smiles before wrapping her arms around my neck. I awkwardly hug her back. This family shows a lot of affection. I'm not used to it, but it's kind of enjoyable. 

"It's so nice to meet you, Mrs. Taylor," I say to the lady when we pull apart. 

"Oh please, call me Winifred," she says to me. "You're even more beautiful than Roger's described," 

My face heats up. I know it's turned the lightest shade of pink darker. He never fails to make my heart jump. 

"Is this the young lady you've been swooning over for ages now, Rog?" I hear a man say as he walks into the room. He comes over to me and sticks out his hand. I shake it. "Michael Taylor," he introduces himself to me. 

"Madison," I reply. He's definitely a little rough around the edges but he too is also friendly and inviting. He seems like the type of father to reprimand his kids constantly, but also the one who loves them with the most feeling. 

"I was wondering when we would finally get to meet you. You're famous in this household," Michael tells me. He smiles, his large mustache ruffling ever so slightly. 

"We've been busy, Dad. I told you," Roger says. 

"I know, son. But there's always time for family," 

My heart breaks slightly and I feel like it's partially my fault. I hope I never held Roger back from being with his family. We live so far in the moment it's hard to look deeper. 

"Well we're here now," Roger says. "What do you say we all sit down and catch up? Then we can explain why it's taken so long for us to finally come over," 

The five of us all meander into the living area, taking up occupancy on the couches and chairs.

"He was going to be a dentist, you know," Michael tells me. 

I smile. "Quite ironic that he used to be in a band called Smile," I comment. Clare laughs. 

"I would have been he worst dentist," Roger says. "I don't know why I thought I could do it," 

"You could do anything you set your mind to, Roger," Winifred tells him. "You would have been a fine dentist. It's not too late if you ever wanted to go back-"

"I'm not going back. I love my life now. I'm with my three best mates, I'm doing the job of my dreams, and I'm with the most amazing woman," Roger says glancing over at me briefly. 

Winifred smiles softly at her son. I wonder what it's like to be the mother of a rockstar. It must be tough, but also in a weird way rewarding. Bittersweet as they call it. 

"I just want you out of trouble," Winifred admits. I think I get where she's coming from. The rock and roll world is a place full of music and love but also sex and drugs. Of course she's concerned. 

"You don't have to worry about me," Roger says. "Freddie's the one we should be concerned about," he half-jokes, nudging me gently. 

I laugh slightly. I am concerned about Freddie. I feel like there's something going on with him and I've been so stuck in my own world that I haven't reached out. I haven't been the best of friends to any of the boys if I'm frank. I make a mental note to reach out to all of them. 

"He seems like a wild child," Clare comments. 

"He is," I add. "But he's lovely. He's quite quiet really when you're alone with him. We also don't need to worry about Freddie locking himself in cupboards when he doesn't get what he wants," I glare at Roger. 

"What's this about cupboards?" Winifred asks. 

Roger shakes his head. "Nothing mum," he waves her off. "So when's lunch going to be ready?"

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