33. Milksop

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Roger was right. Rockfield Studios is in the middle of nowhere. There are barely any buildings around for miles, and the greenery is unbelievable. But I must say it is definitely gorgeous here. I wouldn't mind staring out in the distance for a couple hours to admire the beauty. 

As soon as I park my car, Deaky comes running out of the studio. The boys must have been waiting for me.

"Hi Deaky," I say, giving my friend a hug when we greet each other. 

"Hi Maddie. I missed you," he tells me. 

"I missed you too. We'll need to catch up soon,"

"Oh definitely. After this whole Roger situation anyways," John laughs and the two of us walk in the studio. While the outside of the building looks like a literally farm building, the inside is rather nice. It's very updated and quite cozy. 

"I'm assuming he's still in there?" I ask. 

John sighs heavily and continues to lead me through the house and into the kitchen area. Brian sits in there, reading a book. "Hasn't left. He's been in there for hours,"

As soon as Brian sees me he perks up. He quickly shuts his book and comes over to me, giving me a hug. 

"Thank God," he whispers and we pull apart. He puts his hands on my shoulders. "Please. Whatever you can do," he begs quietly. 

I laugh internally. I knew Roger was a handful but not this much of one. 

"Where is he?" I ask. 

Both John and Brian point to a cupboard on the far side of the room. I walk over to it and knock softly. 

"Roger, my love, what the hell are you doing in there?" I ask softly. 

"Maddie? I didn't know they called for you..." he says. 

"You're his weakness," Brian tells me as quietly as he can. 

"Roger please come out. I haven't seen you in forever," I huff, hoping maybe that will convince him to come out. 

He cracks the door open ever so slightly. I give him a small smile. Then just like that, he slams it shut again. 

"No can do," he says. "I love you, but that was a trap. I can't come out until my song is allowed on the album," 

I roll my eyes. "Alright, listen here you fucking milksop," I yell, banging on the cupboard door. 

"What the fuck does that mean?" Roger asks. 

"Pansy. Wimp. Candy-ass. Namby-pamby. You choose," 

"Did you learn that in school? Because that's a big word,"

"I actually did learn that in one of my classes,"

Roger cracks the door open a little bit again. "Yeah? How are classes going?" he asks much softer than before. 

"They're good actually! I'm enjoying them a lot. I'll have to tell you everything I've been learning. I know Brian likes listening to it," I respond. I smile at him, even though I can't properly make out his features. 

Brian and Deaky clear their throats, interrupting how off topic Roger and I got. At the same time, Freddie walks in - with a mission -  and Roger snaps the door shut again. 

"Oh Maddie, it's wonderful to see you!" Freddie says excitedly. I stand up to give him a hug. 

"It's wonderful to see you as well!" I tell him. "I just wish someone wasn't being a little shit!" I say, yelling the last part. 

"I'm not asking for much. The B side is all I want," Roger says, his voice slightly muffled. 

"I don't know how you do it," Freddie whispers to me. "He's lovely until he's a nightmare," 

I laugh. "You get used to it," I joke. I mean you do. "Is the song really that bad?" I ask Freddie very quietly. "Would it be the worst thing if it's on the album? I'm not asking because he's my boyfriend, but clearly he's confident with this song for whatever reason,"

Freddie sighs. "It's not the worst," he says. He furrows his eyebrows as he thinks. He huffs. "I guess the B side is fine. This way we'll all have at least one song on there we wrote. Brian and Deaky have some songs too. But he better not pull a stunt like this again or I swear..."

I smile. "I'll talk to him," I say. 

"Alright, Rog," Freddie says out loud. "If Brian can have his cheese song, you can have the car song," 

"Really?" Roger asks excitedly from the cupboard. 

"Yes but it'll be on the B side," 

"That's all I wanted!"

The cupboard door swings open and Roger comes out. He puts his hands above his head to stretch. Once he's good, a smile plays on his lips when he sees me. 

"Well hello there," Roger says. He walks over to me and cups my face, kissing me gently. 

"Hello there," I say, smiling up at him. His hair got significantly longer since the last time I saw him. It also looks like he hasn't brushed it in ages. Perhaps since he was cooped up in the cupboard. It probably rubbed up against the wall in there, messing it up. I don't mind though. "You really are something, aren't you?"

Roger laughs. "I had to delegate,"

"Mate, that was not delegation," Brian says. 

"Bugger off," Rog mutters. 

Paul walks in then and stops in his tracks to look at me. His eyes widen slightly. Clearly he wasn't aware I was coming. 

"What are you doing here?" he asks, not harshly but also not nicely. 

"We needed help with Roger," Brian is quick to say. 

"This ruins the whole point of 'no distractions',"

"Oh shut it," Roger snaps, turning to look at him. 

"Roger's out now so it all worked out," Freddie says comfortingly. Paul softens. Paul turns to look at me. 

"Thank you for assisting. Just please, we do need to return to no distractions so I ask that tomorrow you'll be off," he says to me. 

"Fair enough," I tell him with a tight smile. 

Roger grasps my hand in his and gives it a squeeze. 

"Well since you're here now, would you like a tour of the studio?" he asks me.

I  nod eagerly. 

"I'd love one,"


I learned the word milksop in one of my classes and it was to good not to use lolol

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