37. Bohemian..whatever

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Soo I have an idea for this book but I feel like I need your blessing because it might be taken really well and it might not lol should I do it? Or go in my original direction...

ALSO please bear with me for the next couple weeks. I'm finishing up school and it's hella busy right now <3



Bohemian Rhapsody rings through the air as the boys and I sit in Ray Foster's office, listening to it. It really is a masterpiece. It's so different than anything I've ever heard before.

As the song dies down, I smile slightly and share a look with John. We glance over at Freddie who nods along to the song. Brian hovers behind us, choosing to stand. I can't help but grin also when I hear my gong at the very end of the song. I was ecstatic I finally got to use the bloody thing.

"Christ," Ray Foster mutters. Freddie stands up and stops the tape from playing any further. "Well, I'm not entirely sure that's the album you promised us," he says slowly. I can tell he's narrowing his eyes at us even behind his sunglasses.

Freddie takes off his glasses to see clearly. "No, it's better than the album we promised you," he tells him, walking to the opposite side of the room and pacing back and forth. "It's better than any album anyone has ever promised you, darling. It's a bloody masterpiece,"

"It is a good album, Ray," John Reid says from the back of the room. At least he agrees with us. I feel my face heating up from Ray Foster right now.

"We prefer masterpiece," I add, partially joking but partially not.

"It's expensive," Ray complains. "And as for Bohemian..."

"Rhapsody," Brian adds. I can hear the frustration in his voice.

"Rhapsody," Ray repeats. "What is that?"

"It's an epic poem," Freddie tells him. I'm suddenly jolted with the memory of Maddie from when she excitedly told us the name she came up with. It's perfect really. Just like her.

"It goes on forever! Six bloody minutes.."

"I pity your wife if you think six minutes is forever," Freddie says snidely to Ray. I can't help but snicker. "And you know what, we're going to release it as our single,"

Ray laughs darkly. "Not possible. Anything over three minutes and the radio stations won't program it. Period. And what on Earth is it about anyway? Scaramouche? Galileo? And all that Ismillah business..Ishmillah?"

Freddie takes a deep breath, looking out the window. "Bismillah," he says softly.

"Oh aye. Bismillah. What's it about anyway? Bloody Bismillah?"

The room goes silent for a second. I mean, the boys and I barely know what it means. We don't even think Freddie know what it means. But you don't have to fully understand something to know that it's beautiful.

"True poetry is for the listener," Freddie replies.

"It ruins the mystery if everything is explained," Brian says, defending Freddie and his song.

"Seldom ruins sales. Three minutes is the standard," Ray says. "John," he pleads with John Reid.

He sighs. "Yeah we need radio," he says. I huff. Freddie comes and takes a seat, lighting a cigarette. "Format is three minutes. I have to agree with Ray," I run a hair through my hair, frustratingly. "I actually think the single's Love Of My Life,"

"No," Brian says softly.

We all agreed before coming in here that we wouldn't leave unless Bohemian Rhapsody was the single. No exceptions.

"Okay, how about John's song You're My Best Friend, you know? 'Ooo you make me live'? It's catchy, stronger..."

"What about I'm In Love With My Car?" Ray suggests.

"Huh," I say, looking over to Brian. He rolls his eyes so hard I think they might actually fall out of his head.

"Jesus," Brian mutters. Deaky also sighs heavily, and Freddie kicks a table.

"Well that's the kind of song teenagers can crank up the volume int heir cars and bang their heads to!" Ray argues. I know we agreed on Bohemian Rhapsody being the single, but I still consider this a win. I won't let Brian forget this moment. "Bohemian Rhapsody will never be that song,"

"It's a band decision," Brian says matter-a-factly. "That's it,"

"You're My Best Friend," Ray suggests again. "And it's my money,"

"Bo-Rhap. Period," I interject harshly. As much as I'd love to hear Ray swoon over my song, I've had enough of this. Freddie stands up and walks over to the side of Ray's desk.

"Or we walk," he threatens.

"MacArthur Park was seven minutes long," Paul Prenter speaks up. As much as I can't stand the man, I appreciate him trying to help. "It was a hit,"

"Look I'm not arguing Bohemian whatever's musicianship. But there's no way in hell the station will play a 6 minute quasi-operatic dirge comprised of nonsense words!" Ray yells. "Bismillah bullshit! I paid for this record so I say what goes!"

"Have we no legal recourse on this?" I ask.

"Ray," Miami, as Freddie named him, interjects. He hustles over to where we are form where he was sitting all the way in the back of the room. He points to one of the gold records hanging on the walls. "You did Dark Side of the Moon, didn't you?"

Ray sighs and nods. "I did," he says.

"Yeah I absolutely love that record," Miami sighs and turns to us. "Legally, no. He's got all your balls in a vice. It's a different matter in a court of public opinion, of course. Ray Foster's a giant name in the music industry but to the average person....say the name Queen on the other hand and ears prick up,"

The room goes silent again as we all exchange glances with one another. The realization of what Miami is telling us is settling in. Even Ray looks nervous, but he doesn't back down.

"We're going with You're My Best Friend. Done," He says, slamming down on the table.

"No," Freddie says, shaking his head. "We know what we have, even if you don't," he gestures to us. "It's called Bohemian Rhapsody," Freddie puts his cigarette out on the papers in front of Ray. Freddie moves, angling to walk out of the room. The lads and I stand up to follow. "You will forever be known as the man who lost Queen," And with a final glance at Ray, the four of us exit Ray's office and speed into the hallway and outside.

"What a piece of shit," Freddie mutters.

"He doesn't know what he lost," Brian says.

The four of us push open the doors and breathe in the fresh air. God, Maddie is in for a story when I get home. I love what I do but it's so goddamn frustrating sometimes.

As we walk outside, I glance up at one of the windows and see Ray's beady little head. I don't know what comes over me, but I pick up a loose rock I see lying on the group, and whip it as hard as I can at the window. The best part is Freddie, Brian, and John don't stop me or argue with me after the fact.

Paul opens up the window and him and Ray stare out at us.

"You can take that out of our royalties!" Freddie says. I chuckle. Christ, what are we doing?

"Twat!" John yells. I pat him on the back and congratulate him.

"Wanker!" Ray yells out the window.

"You can shove your gold discs!" Brian yells, as we walk away towards the car that took us here.

"You made a mistake, Foster!" I yell.

"Arsehole!" Freddie adds.

"You'll never have a gold disc, you medium talent!" Ray yells, his voice becoming distant as we scamper off, laughing and insulting Ray even further. I don't know what the hell we just did, but we all know it was the right decision.

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