19. The BBC

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GUYS I'm the worst. I've been so busy with school, and I have class later today so I'm uploading in between. It's annoying so I'm sorry for the lack of updating. 



It had been a little while since Roger and I moved in together. It took some time to actually sell my other house, and to be all fully set to move into this one, but it's pretty amazing now that we are actually living together. I like seeing his things scattered around the house. I like seeing his toothbrush next to mine, seeing his body wash in the shower, seeing his clothing in the dresser. It feels natural to be living with him. I mean he had been almost living with me before at my old flat, but this is official. 

As for the band, Queen has finally finished their two new albums and they sound amazing. I mean, Mary, Chrissie and I will always think their songs are amazing but thats besides the point. I also find it crazy to think how the boys had little money - so little that they had to sell Roger's most prized possession to record their first album - and here they are with a manager and recording label paying for their next two albums and giving them these amazing experiences. 

Roger and I are actually on our way to one of John Reid's lineups for the band: playing on the BBC. It's all he's been talking about recently, besides of course our new flat together. He talks about that a lot too. John is worried we're moving too fast but I told him to bug off and that everything is fine. 

The amount of times John tells me he's worried though, actually does bother me. I'll always have that little 'what if' on the back of my mind, but I push it to the back. It's just my anxiety. It's annoying as hell however. 

"M'lady," Roger says as he holds the door to the studio open for me. I smile and walk through, not knowing where to go. I wait a little so Roger and set in front of me to lead. 

"Roger Taylor," Roger says to a lady sitting at the front desk. I hadn't noticed her. "I'm here for-"

"Queen," she competes the sentence for him. Sh gives us a smile. "You're going to make a right down this hallway and go into the first door on your left. Your friend can go all the way down the hall to the last door on the right,"

Girlfriend, I think. Even the production assistant thinks it's impossible for Roger to be dating someone. 

It's happened numerous times since we started dating, but especially since we moved in together. Brian took it the hardest. Not because Roger was moving out (that I think he was grateful for) but because we was moving in with me. Brian told me privately that Roger's never been so set on a girl before. It makes me feel good I guess that he likes me so much, but I also worry I'm tying him down from living his life. 

Roger grasps my hand and whisks me down the hallway. At his stop, he pulls me to a halt. 

"I reckon this is the changing area, so I'll be with you to the set very soon," he tells me. 

I reach forward and run my hand through his long hair. He trimmed it a couple days ago, but it's still insanely long. I like it though. It suits him. 

"Okay," I say softly. My hand falls on his shoulder and I lean forward and give him a peck on the cheek before turning quickly to walk down to the production set. 

I sigh heavily as I push open the large door. People litter the set, primarily women in slightly scandalous outfits. They must be part of the production, I think. 

"Maddie!" I hear a familiar voice call. My eyes land on Mary, who looks stunning in a red/orange jumpsuit. Her arms wrap around my neck when she greets me.

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