48. An Old Friend

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"We're having a baby," Veronica says. 

Oh my God.

"The first Queen child!" Freddie yells from across the room. He gets up from where he was sat and runs over to John and Veronica, thrown this arms around the both of them. "To be honest I thought Maddie was going to be the first since her and Rog do it like rabbits but I'm so happy for you both,"

"Freddie," I say harshly through gritted teeth. My face heats up like an oven. I glance over at Rog to say something but he just sits there with a goofy grin on his face. I swat his arm.

"What?" He asks, innocently. Honestly, Rog, now is not the time to play dumb. 

"Oh this is so amazing!" Mary squeals, joining Freddie's side to hug Veronica and John.

 Slowly but surely the lot of us surround the two of them, hugging and congratulating them. As I embrace Veronica and then John, my mind wanders to the first day I met them both. I never thought I would introduce them to each other, let alone our lives turning out to this. It's crazy how our paths cross. 

"We need to celebrate, darling," Freddie says. "Perhaps the pub downtown? Where our first Queen performance was? For old times sake..." 

Mary nudges Freddie in the side. 

"Really, Freddie? A bar? Veronica can't drink," she scolds him. 

Veronica laughs and tosses her brown hair behind her shoulder. "It's okay," She assures Mary. "I actually wouldn't mind going there. I never go to when Queen was fairly new. Besides I'm sure I can find something to have," 

John smiles at Veronica like she's the best thing to ever cross this Earth. I smile at his happiness. I can't believe he's going to be a dad. 


The eight of us sit at a table in the crowded bar. Security is nearby, as per the new normal. It's still a little weird to me but I get it. It makes me feel safe personally. The fans are amazing but they can be a little overwhelming. I don't blame them though. Every member of Queen is insanely talented and also quite good looking if I say so myself. 

As we sit and decide on what to eat, I spot a familiar face behind the bar.

"I'll be right back," I say to Roger before standing up and walking over to greet my old friend. "Well if it isn't Michael himself," 

The boy behind the counter grins at me. I used to see him every time I came in to see either Smile or Queen perform. It's strange how I haven't seen him in literal ages. 

"Madison Kayle," He says. He puts the rag in his hand over his shoulder and leans against the bar top with the palms of his hands. "Back from the dead I see," I roll my eyes as he laughs. "Where's Rog been keeping you all this time? I'm assuming you're still together," 

I blush. "Yeah we are," I say. I feel a little awkward talking about Roger since Michael used to have this crush on me. "We moved in together a while ago,"

Michael raises his eyebrows. "Did you now? How's that going?"

"Really well, actually," I smile. "We're not terribly far away. It's a nice upgrade from the shit hole I was in before," 

Michael chuckles. "It wasn't that bad," he tells me. He had come over once or twice for a party I threw way back when, right when Smile was getting started. 

"It wasn't homey," 

Michael sighs and glances over to Roger. I turn slightly to see him already looking at us. I give him a small wave. 

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