Another member walks in on you two having sex *SMUT*

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"LUKE!" Your loud moans can be heard throughout the house. The boys are downstairs but you don't care, they wouldn't stop dancing and singing last night when you and Luke were trying to sleep so you two decided to get your own back.

The bedroom door flies open and the three boys walk in. But Luke doesn't stop.

"Guys we get the idea, Jesus Christ we're sorry." Ashton says but neither you nor Luke say anything. You bury your head in Luke's neck as he continues to thrust into you.

"Guys can you stop!" Calum asks, covering his eyes.

"No." Luke says.

"Bye then! OH MY EYES!" Calum says as he runs out, Ashton and Michael rushing after him.

"Thank god they're gone." Luke says, resuming normal business.


"Calum, f-faster." You whisper.

He pulls out only to slam back in, making you whimper. The bed rocks faster as Calum picks up speed. You go to grip the headboard but end up knocking the lamp on the bedside table over, the sound of smashing glass filling the room. But you and Calum are too busy to care. The door opens and in comes Luke.

"Guys are you oka- oh sorry!" He says, covering his eyes. "I heard the glass smashing and just came to check on you guys, I'm so sorry!" He says, running out, face red with embarrassment.

You giggle at how flustered Luke is.

"Y/N stop laughing, I'm trying to concentrate!" Calum whines and you laugh at him.

"Whatever." You say.


"ASHTON!" You shout as he reaches places inside you that make you quiver.

"That's it baby, scream my name." He grunts, burying his head in the crook of your neck.

He moves even faster, faster than you thought he could.

"ASHTON!" You scream again and you feel him smirk against the skin of your neck.

You're near your climax and then you hear,

"Well, this is new."

Your heads shoot up to see Michael in the doorway.

"Dude what the hell?" Ashton says, pulling the blanket over the two of you.

"The front door was open. I didn't expect you guys to be fucking on the couch. But please don't stop on my account." Michael smirks as Ashton glares at him.

"Well, you can't join in Michael." You say, hoping he'd leave after your sassy remark but then his eyes widen, as do Ashton's.

"Oh hell no." You say when you realise what they're both thinking but unfortunately for you, it seems they're intent on this idea.


"Oh Michael." You moan as Michael wraps your legs round his waist to get deeper in you.

"Sh baby girl. The boys are downstairs." He says.

You bite your lip to contain your moans. Michael smashes his lips to yours as you reach your climax, muffling your screams.

"Hey guys, do you want pizza...?" Calum trails off as he sees the two of you on the bed.

"No thanks Calum, bit busy here." Michael says.

"Right. Um... Sorry about that." He says and walks out.

"That was awkward." You say to Michael.

"Well it'll be easier when I suggest a threesome won't it?" Michael asks, smirking at you whilst you glare at him.

He chuckles. "You'll change your mind baby girl. You will."


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