First date

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Luke loves penguins so he'd take you to the zoo for your first date. It may sound a bit cheesy but you guys loved acting like little kids. He'd hold your hand the whole time and would keep you close, proudly showing you off to everybody.


He'd take you out to a restaurant to impress you, even though secretly you'd be happy with a takeaway, just as long as you were with him. You'd still have a good time, but next time he promised he'd order KFC. You knew the date went well because he referred to there being a next time.


For your first date, Ashton would take you to the cinema. He'd try to make you laugh by throwing popcorn up and trying to catch it in his mouth but failing. You'd rest your head on his shoulder and he'd kiss your forehead or the top of your head occasionally.


He'd take you to a concert for your first date. He'd find it cute how you'd fangirl over bands and artists and scream when they came on stage. He'd hope that one day, you'd be there, supporting him one day during one of his concerts.


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