He gets jealous

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You take a selfie with Jake, your best friend and post it on instagram with the caption " @jakeyboy_ love you millions😘". Luke isn't at the party so he doesn't confront you until you get home.

"Did you have a good time?" he asks, coldness in his tone.

"It was a little boring." You admit.

"Well it seems like you were having fun with Jake." He says.

You can't stop yourself from laughing.

"Are you jealous Mr Hemmings?"

He blushes bright red and shakes his head furiously.

"No. He should just have his hands off my girl, that's all."

"Luke, he's my best friend. And he's gay." You tell him and he blushes even more.

"Oh. I knew that." He says.

You pull him into a hug, finding it sweet how jealous he got over your best friend.

"I love you, you stupid idiot." You say to him.


You and Calum are at a garden party and you're talking to one of your friends from university while Calum is chatting to Michael. You're laughing at something your friend said when you feel an arm wrap around your waist. Calum pulls you closer to his side and kisses your cheek.

"You must be Calum." Your friend says and holds out his hand to shake.

Calum grabs it and shakes his hand, his grip firm. Calum glares at him as your friend talks and then sighs in relief as he walks off. You begin to laugh.

"Can you make your jealousy a little less obvious?" you ask, still in fits of laughter.

"It wasn't that obvious." He defends.

"The glares, kissing my cheek, wrapping your arms round my waist, your little pout... of course it wasn't obvious." You say.

His pout becomes more prominent so you hug him.

"I have eyes for you and only you." You tell him, kissing him lightly.


You're at the bar with Ashton, Luke, Calum and Michael when some guy walks up to you and tries to put his arm round you. You push his arm away.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing here all by yourself?" he asks.

You're about to speak but Ashton speaks for you.

"She's not alone." He says, squaring up to the guy.

You can't get over how hot Ashton looks when he gets all jealous and annoyed.

"Sorry man. I thought she was alone." The guy says, backing away.

"Yeah well, you thought wrong." Ashton says before turning back to you.

"You realise how hot you looked just then?" you ask.

"You're hotter." He says and you giggle at his bad attempt of flirting before he kisses you.


You're trying on a new dress for your birthday party on Friday night so you head downstairs to show Michael. However, you don't realise that the boys are round.

"Woahhhh, since when did you have boobs Y/N?" Ashton asks.

You glare at him as he laughs.

"No seriously, you look hot." He says.

"What's hot?" Michael asks, standing in the kitchen doorway.

"Your girlfriend." The others say in unison.

His eyes widen when he sees you. He looks you up and down, a smirk plastered on his face.

"She is... Hey guys! Eyes off my girlfriend!" he says, grabbing your hand and pulling them upstairs.

"You're mine." he says, unzipping your dress and kissing you.

"Michael, we can't. The boys are downstairs." You mumble against his lips.

"Then they'll know that they need to keep their eyes off my girlfriend."

Let's just say that the boys left soon after they heard you two enjoying yourselves.

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