You like him and one of the boys knows (part two)

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"I'm back!" Luke calls from the front door.

Deep breaths Y/N. It's now or never. As he walks into the living room, you dart your eyes away from him. Looking anywhere but him.

"You okay Y/N?" He asks uncertainly.

"Yep. Okay. Yeah fine." You reply, still not looking at him.

"What's happened?" He asks, sitting down beside you.

You see Ashton in your peripheral vision standing in the doorway. You look over to him and he nods his head, mouthing "go for it". As Ashton walks out of sight, you turn to face Luke but not daring to look into his eyes. Those eyes...

"I have something to tell you." You say.

"Um... Okay? Oh! Do you have a boyfriend? If you do that's okay Y/N, I mean, we're only friends so it's fine." He says as your heart sinks. He doesn't like you like that.

"So we wouldn't ever be more than friends?" You ask him.

"Wait what? What's the angle here Y/N?"

"If the answer's no then there's no point in me telling you." You sigh and get up, walking out of the room.

Unfortunately for you, Luke follows.

"Is that what this is?" He asks. "Do you like me?"

"What? No!" You try to deny but still can't meet his eyes.

"Y/N. Look at me." Luke says. You shake your head, looking at the floor.

He steps closer to you, so close that there's no space between your bodies.

"Y/N." He whispers. "If you can look me in the eyes and tell me you don't like me then I'll leave."

"That's the thing though Luke. I can't do that." You say, wishing you weren't so infatuated with him.

He places his fingers under your chin and lifts your head up.

"I really really like you too and would love to take you out on a date." He says quietly.

You nod and he grins before leaning down and placing his lips on yours.


"Hey Y/N! Bored of Michael yet?" Calum teases, although there's a hint of jealousy in his voice. 

"He's not as interesting as you." You say.

"No one's as interesting as you though Y/N, are they?" Michael asks with a strange tone.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Calum asks.

"Well, I found out something very interesting about Y/N." He replies, not taking his eyes off you.

Your eyes widen and you shake your head, pleading without words for him to not say anything.

"Um, okay?" Calum looks back and forth between the two of you.

"Y/N has a crush on someone." Michael reveals as you feel your cheeks heat up.

"Oh. Cool." Your eyes move immediately to Calum who is now purposely not looking at either of you.

"Do you want to know who?" Michael presses on.

"Michael, please don't." You whisper.

"I don't really wanna know who." Calum admits quietly.

"And why not?" Michael asks him.

"Because... Because I love her Mike." He finally looks at you after he says this.

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