College AU (Cake/4)

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"Y/N, your grades are slipping! Now we accepted you into college because although your results weren't brilliant, you showed potential with your work. But this is serious now, college is the last step of education before you need to get a job and you're not taking this seriously." Your maths professor says to you.

"I am taking this seriously! I just don't understand anything." You interrupt.

"Prove to me that you're taking this seriously then and get someone to tutor you."

"No! No, I am not getting a tutor." You refuse.

"If you don't get at least a B on your next test, then we have no option but to eject you from the college." Great, first he's telling you to get a tutor and now he's giving out ultimatums!

"Fine." You say, grabbing your bag and walking out of the room.

{2 weeks later}

All you've done for the past two weeks is study, study, study. You didn't want to get a tutor so you decided to take matters into your own hands. You've taken out book after book from the library, you've taken online tests and anything else you can think of to help you improve your grades but no matter how hard you try, you don't understand anything. How you're going to get your grades up by the test next month is beyond you. You put your head in your hands, telling yourself how much you're screwed. Your revelry is interrupted by 4 rowdy boys walking into the library. One has freshly dyed hair with tattoos littering his arms. The next to follow is a curly haired boy with a wide smile, showing off his dimples as he talks animatedly. The third is a strong, good looking boy who you recognise as Calum from the football team. And last but not least is tall, attractive Luke who's shy, clever and extremely popular. Oh and all the girls love him, not that he's ever interested in any of them. Including you. All the boys look your way as they walk past you, including Luke. Although Luke quickly averts his eyes when you look at him too.

"Hey Luke, looks like the library is now your favourite place to be." Calum teases.

You assume he's referring to you but as far as you're concerned, Luke isn't interested in any of the girls in college, you included. Luke slaps Calum round the head and walks away, keeping his head down. For the next half an hour, the four of them gossip away in what they think is whispers but you can hear every word. You learn that Calum would rather start a band than carry on with the football scholarship, Michael is trying to get with this girl from your English class and Luke has a crush. A very big crush apparently, because of the relentless teasing he endures for the full half an hour. You can't believe Luke has a crush - everyone thinks he's not interested in anything other than singing and work but apparently, that's not true. You desperately want to know which girl is the exception to him not liking anyone. And as they talk, you know how you're gonna find out.

"Why don't you just tell her you like her?" Michael asks Luke.

"It's not as simple as that. If she doesn't like me back, I'll be humiliated, I don't want that. I'd rather focus on the work than girls." He replies.

"Luke, you do not need to focus on work anymore. You've been getting straight A's in everything!" Michael exclaims.

At hearing this, you rise from your seat and walk to the back of the library to where the quartet are sitting. The conversation stops as they see you approach and smirks appear on three of the four faces in front of you. Luke's expression is just vacant, as if he's purposefully trying not to show any emotion.

"Hey! So um... I couldn't help overhearing your conversation," you begin but you stop as Luke's eyes widen and the smirks on the others boy's faces grow. "Oh! Um, not like that... I mean I didn't hear- well I did hear but didn't really understand... Anyway what I meant was, I need a tutor and I was wondering if... You could tutor me? Luke?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2017 ⏰

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