'Too hot'

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"Can we play 'Too hot'?" Luke asks you randomly.

"What's that?"

"Basically, you make out but you can't touch each other. Whoever touches the other first loses and the winner gets to do whatever they want to the loser." He explains.

"Ah, I see why you want to play it. It has so many benefits for you."

"Oh really? Like what?" He asks.

"You get a make out session which you'll probably win, and when you win-"

"If I win." He interrupts.

"When you win, it'll probably end up in us having sex."

"And that doesn't benefit you?" he asks, waggling his eyebrows.

You laugh. "It depends."


"Whether you're any good at sex." you challenge.

"Oh I'm definitely gonna win this thing now." he says and firmly presses his lips to yours.

You're taken by surprise and gasp, Luke taking this opportunity to slip his tongue in your mouth. You're desperate to run your hands through his hair but you're really determined to win. Unfortunately for you, so is he. You finally give up, tugging at the ends of his hair while his tongue explores your mouth. He pulls away, much to your disappointment.

"You know you said if I win, it'd probably end up in us having sex?" Luke asks.


"Well you were wrong." He says.

You raise your eyebrows at him.

"It'd definitely end up in us having sex." Luke confirms before picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder, you giggling as he carries you to the bedroom.


"Y/N I'm bored." Calum whines.

"Well find something to do." You say, still engrossed in your book.

Calum sits there for a little bit before pressing kisses to your neck.



"Stop it." You say.

"Only if you win Too Hot." He says.

"Ugh fine." You put your book down and he kisses your lips, pushing his tongue into the mix.

You don't want him to win but you just want to touch him. You roll your eyes and grab his shirt, pushing him down against the sofa and laying yourself between his legs, not breaking the kiss.

"I win." He mumbles, ridding you of your trousers.


"I'm a much better football player than you Y/N." Ashton says.

You scoff. "I'm a professional player Ashton, I doubt you are."

Ashton always thinks he's better than you at everything, that's why you guys hate each other. You're friends with the other boys but for some reason, Ashton has always taken a dislike to you. Little did you know that this was to hide his feelings for you.

The boys had come round to yours and this included Ashton. They were tired of your behaviour towards each other so they decided to settle it once and for all.

"Well Ash, if you think you're better than Y/N at everything, why don't you play Too Hot? Then we'll see who has the most self control." Luke challenges.

You shake your head furiously. "No, I refuse to go near Ashton, let alone kiss him." You says.

"What's the matter Y/N? Worried about losing?" He smirks.

You roll your eyes before pressing your lips to his. He kisses you back but this is different than what you expected. You felt passion and loving behind it and you knew in that moment, you had feelings for the boy you hated. Before you can process what you're doing, your hand cups his face. He pulls away, smirking.

"I win. So I get to do whatever I want to you." He says.

You think he's probably gonna shove your head down a toilet or something but he grabs you and throws you over his shoulder, making you laugh.

"Y/N Y/L/N, I'm taking you on a date," He says, "Because I think I like you."


"But I don't want to make you pancakes, I want you to make me pancakes!" Michael whines.

"Well we need to make a truce somehow..." You say, your mind filling with ideas.

"But I'm your best friend, you should always make me pancakes. You know you want to because you loooooove me!" Michael says in a sing song voice.

Yes I do but you don't know that, you thought to yourself. You've been in love with your best friend for ages but of course, you can't tell him that because you're best friends and that's all you'll ever be.

"I know!" Michael says, "we'll play Too Hot and whoever loses makes the winner pancakes."

You desperately want to kiss your best friend but you know it's not a good idea.


"Pleeeeeeease?" He asks, giving you his best puppy dog eyes look.

You sigh. "Fine."

He grins and presses his lips to yours. You know to him that this is just a game but to you, it means a lot. You don't even notice the tears roll down your cheeks until he pulls away, frowning.

"Y/N, what's wrong, why are you crying?" He asks.

"It's nothing." You say, wiping your tears but it doesn't make a difference as more fall.

"Did I do something wrong?" He asks.

Then he realises why you're crying.

"You're in love with me." He points out.

"Don't be stupid."

"Look at me." He says. When you don't, he cups your face in his hands and tilts your face up so you're looking at him.

"I love you too." He says, grinning.

"No you don't."

"Yes I do. I love you." He presses his lips to yours, the game and the pancakes forgotten as he spends the whole day proving to you how much he loves you.


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