You're on your period

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"Hi baby, do you wanna come round to mine? The boys are here." Luke's voice over the phone usually soothes you but seeing as it feels like you're growing another uterus, his voice doesn't have the desired effect on you today.

"No." You bluntly reply.

There's a long wait, as if he's waiting for you to explain yourself.

"Um... Okay? Is there a problem?" He asks, voice laced with worry.

"No." You repeat.

"Is 'no' the only thing you're gonna say?"


He chuckles. He pauses again, and you know his brain is working to find out why you're acting like this. Boys are so clueless.

"Luke," you sigh. "Why on earth do you think I want to spend the day with pubescent children?"

"Because... You like them?" He offers weakly.

"There's a difference between 'like' and 'tolerate'." You explain.

"Yeah, good point... Oh I know what it is! Do you want me to come round for cuddles and movies?" He asks.

You sigh. Of course you want him round but you don't want to snap at him while he's with you.

"Baby? I really wanna see you and I don't care if you're in a good mood or not, I'm just happy to spend time with you." At his confession, you couldn't help but let a smile spread across your face.

"Please come round. Don't bring the boys though."

"You sure?" He teases.

"Luke," you whine. "Not in the mood for teasing."

"Sorry baby girl." He lightly chuckles. "I'll be round soon for cuddles. Don't miss me too much!"

"I love you."

You hear his breath hitch in his throat, as if it was the first time you've ever told him.

"I love you too, so so much."


To : Calum Xx
Can you pick up some pads and chocolate from the shops please?

You text Calum, you're in too much pain to leave your bed to be honest.

From : Calum Xx
But people are gonna look at me weirdly!

To : Calum Xx
People will assume you have a girlfriend. They're not gonna think you're buying pads for yourself, are they? -_-

From : Calum Xx
You're lucky I love you, babygirl x

You lock your phone and cocoon yourself into the sheets again. About half an hour later, there's a knock at the  front door. With all the strength you can muster, you haul yourself out of your comfy bed and trudge downstairs. You don't even bother to greet Calum, you retreat back to your bed as soon as you've opened the door.

"Hello to you too." You hear Calum say as you climb the stairs.

You crawl into bed and snuggle into the duvet as you feel the bed dip when Calum lays down beside you. He wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you closer, so your back is against his chest.

"How are you feeling?" He asks, twirling strands of your hair around his fingers.

"Like crap." You reply miserably.

"How about this then; we have cuddles and a nap and when you wake up, we can eat the chocolate and watch movies, how does that sound?"

"Sounds good." You comply, closing your eyes.

He presses his lips lightly to your cheek, mumbling out an "I love you" before falling asleep beside you.


You roll around on the bed clutching your stomach, trying to find a way to deal with the ever growing pain that won't go away.

"What are you doing?" Ashton giggles from the doorway.

"I'm in fucking pain, don't laugh at me." You grumble, turning away from him.

He walks around to your side of the bed, kneeling down in front of you. He juts out his bottom lips and strokes your cheek tenderly.

"Is my princess on her time of the month?"

"No shit Sherlock." You mumble, slapping his hand away.

"Have you taken any meds?" He asks.

"At the mention of the word 'meds', I'm surprised you didn't start singing." You tease.

"You should know that that's not my verse baby!"

"Wow I'm nearly as sassy as you today, but not quite." You reply.

He grins at you, going back to stroking your cheek.

"I'll get you some meds and then you try and get some sleep, okay?" He asks you.


He stands up and heads for the doorway.

"Ashton?" You call out. He stops and turns round to look at you.


"Thank you for looking after me." You murmur.

He smiles back. "Anything for you, princess."


"Michael, if you shoot me with another nerf gun bullet, I swear it won't be pretty." You snap at him.

His tirade of shooting nerf gun bullets at you was tolerable at first but after 30 minutes? Extremely tiring.

"Ooh, she's an ice queen today!" He smirks at you, brandishing his nerf gun.

"Stop being a dick, Michael." You flip him off before turning back to your phone.

He takes a seat beside you, putting his arm round you.

"What's up baby? Yesterday you were fine and now today you've just gone a bit..."

"What? Come on, finish the sentence." You challenge.

"Seeing as I'd like to keep my balls, I'm not going to." He laughs.

You shoot him a glare.

"I'm sorry," he apologises. "I shouldn't put you in a bad mood when you're on your, um, ladies things." He air quotes.

"Just don't shoot me with nerf gun bullets ever again please." You ask.

"Deal. Hey, I have an idea." He says, pulling out another nerf gun.

"What?" You ask.

"Wanna go find the boys and ambush them with nerf gun bullets?"

You grab the other nerf gun from him and load it up.

"Let's do it."

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