Chapter Eight

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This story isn't really PG 13 in my opinion but that's only me. It just has curse words in it though. How bout you guys, what do ya guys think?

Another blah chapter sorry... Busy with my new GUITAR! Following chapters will be out next week probably. I'm sorry but it's just way too cold and my fingers are freezing, I hate the cold.

Well here's ya go!


"What was that Sara?" Skyler asked me.

Damn, now I'm talking to myself? Great, just great, "Nothing, I was just talking to myself."

He gave me a strange look and raised his brows, "Are you sure-"

"Of course I am," I answered too quickly.

He sighed but went inside muttering something that I couldn't understand.

I was about to follow him when someone grabbed my shoulder, "Wait,"

I turned my head, "Oh hey Dustin,"

Dustin smiled, looking all serene and calm that it made me think of one of those paintings of angels. I knew it sounded stupid, he was a demon after all, the complete opposite of angels, and here I was calling him one.

But I was never going to tell him that, I rather have my eyes pulled out than anyone finding out what's inside my head it would only embarrass me further.

"Yes?" I asked, sounding annoyed and icy. Oh well...

"Here," he handed me two boxes, the smaller one was on top, and they were kinda heavy.

"And this is...?" I trailed off and made a gesture to continue with my free hand.

He smiled obviously liking my cluelessness, "Your dress," he said simply.


"We're having... a meeting with friends," the way he said friends I knew better than to ask who they were.

"Who?" I knew I shouldn't but the word slipped from my lips before I could think it through.

His smiled turned into an evil smirk and moved right in my face "Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about."

I narrowed my eyes while looking him straight in the eyes, which were clear and blue-green like the sea.

He did the same, only he was more confident than I was. "If you're trying to get out off what's happening, reality, acting like an idiot is not going to work."

Ouch, my eyes widen, my throat suddenly closes up and heat rushed comes to my face, "I'm not avoiding anything," I said averting my eyes to the ground. "I just wanted to be sure that what I was thinking was right..." I continue muttering excuses, I wasn't used to this awkward situations like this.

"No it's okay," I heard him say, it sounded unsure and unlike himself.

I look up, he was actually blushing and actually looked frustrated, "Ah well I'm sorry, I didn't know." He mumbles something else that was too low for me to hear.

I smiled a little, "No, it's no biggie no need to apologize,"

His blush deepened, "Well I better go," he said and rushed off somewhere else without saying anything else.

I raised my brows and went in as well. Weirdo, what was that about?

I sighed and made my way around the huge house momentarily forgetting that I didn't know where I was going.

I stopped when I walk into a door. It looked like mine, when it was still up. Hmmm maybe they fixed it already, I twisted the knob. It wasn't locked so it probably was my room.

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