Cougar Alert!

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The time has come!!! I think you guys will be squealing in excitement and sighing in sadness at the same time. D: I know I am.

I actually finished this chapter like 9 chapters ago. I'm just that excited for this.



I rested my palm against my face and snorted at the sight before me. Naruto and Sasuke were, once again, in one of their fights. They had a ...special....friendship. Even I didn't understand it. It was just that complex.

Today, we decided to stay after school so we can all train. Naruto, being the adorable idiot he is, decided to 'accidentally' throw a shuriken at Sasuke. I don't know where he even got them. Not sure if I should take them from him, last time he used weapons it ended up with me almost dying. Not really, but it felt like it.

Iruka-sensei only let us practice with wooden ones so we "won't hurt our fellow peers". We had to get to a higher level just to start using the real ones. Bahh.

I was in the middle of practicing with my senbon, real steel ones that I bribed out of my dad-he's such a softy, when I heard silence. The quietness threw me off, since I was used to the constant blabbing of Naruto. I shifted out of my stance and turned around, just in time to see Sasuke tackle Naruto.

First thing that went through my head was, 'Damn, the sexual tension has finally burst'.

But I'm sure that in a lustful moment, they wouldn't be punching each other. Which made me think, maybe they weren't trying to rip off each other's clothes and maaaybe I should break them up.

Mmmm. Nah.

I put my senbon in my pouch, that was tied to my right thigh, and plopped down on the grass. Might as well enjoy the show. Hm, now if only I had some food. Food and a show.

Today's class was pretty entertaining. I mean, when is it not? Everyday, Naruto is always causing some sort of ruckus. It's pretty funny. Not one day of my life is boring.

"You know, they say when two kids pick on each other, it means they like each other." They both paused.

"Mayu, don't say things like that!" Naruto whined and jumped back from Sasuke. Sasuke shivered. In pleasure or disgust, we'll never know.

I shrugged and smirked. "Well, it's true."

"As if I would like that dobe."

"Yeah! Teme is a boy!" Naruto paused and glanced at Sasuke with suspicious eyes. Sasuke caught on to his stare and blushed furiously.


I smirked, "Sasuke. You could pull off being a girl if you tried."

"Hn. It's getting pretty late." Sasuke turned away from us and began picked up stray kunai and shuriken.

"Changing the subject now are we, Sasuke-bijin." I couldn't help but tease him. It's so fun. He's usually so off putting but has his moments of cuteness. One of them being now. So of course I have to take advantage of the moment.

He whipped his head back, eyes like ice. The whole 'dangerous' look was ruined by his blush and pout.

"Mayu! Don't call me a woman!"

I grinned while Naruto barely tried to cover his snickers behind his hand.

After a few seconds of trying to catch my breath I grinned and nodded towards the targets.

"Okay guys, time to clean up." Naruto's attitude suddenly shifted. His once laughing face turned somber at the idea of going home but nodded and got to work.

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