Cookies And Girly-Itachi

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I hope you like this chapter! It may not be the best but meh, what can I do? (Make a better one probably....)


I was fascinated with the 'reincarnation' — if that's even what it's called — process. While being a kid —again— was frustrating, not to mention annoying, I think it was one of the best times of my life. I could just enjoy myself without worrying about work and college. Now as I a kid, I just have to make friends...and train to be a ninja. 

Ninjas had it hard...but it seems pretty easy. Maybe my new ninja life is waiting for me to drop my guard and then BAM, I suddenly have a life or death situation. Maybe I can just quit and say I want to become a florist or maybe a baker. 


I can just convince mom to teach -what is touching me...I swatted the thing away, hoping it would stop. Stupid flies and their poking...Flies don't poke. I frowned and stroked my imaginary beard. No..I'm sure they don't poke. Maybe I should ask dad, he says he knows everything in the world...But I'm sure he's lying...

Feeling another poke I scowled, "DAMNIT FLY!"

I looked up from the floor and met the eyes of Itachi. That's not a fly...

"Why are you staring at me?"

"You were staring at the shoes for almost a minute!" Sasuke stared at me as if I was insane.

I blushed and shrugged, "I didn't notice."

Itachi smiled at me and ruffled my hair.

I felt my eye twitch and shoved his hand away.

"Don't touch me! I'm famous!"

"R-Really?" I turned to look at Sasuke who was staring at me in fascination.

I mentally grinned. Oh, this is going to be fun. I've never had a servant before...I bent down and began to unlace the shoes. If mom finds out I didn't put them on she would ban me from entering the kitchen. And that would be bad, I love food to much to let it go. 

"Yeah, I'm surprised you didn't recognize me."

I fiddled with the laces while staring at him in the corner of my eye. I finally slipped my shoe on and started on the other one. I felt Sasuke's eyes on me, most likely trying to figure out where he's seen me before. Which he'll never guess because I'm lying... I glanced up at Itachi to see him staring at me in amusement.

I stared at him for a moment, he stared into my pleading eyes before giving me an exaggerated thinking look. I sent him a look that said,"Please go along with everything I say and I'm sure you'll get amusement out of this."

Yeah...That's what it said.

He smiled at me and looked towards Sasuke who was staring at me.

"Otouto, don't you recognize her? She's really famous." I stared at Itachi.

"Is she really famous nii-san?!" 

"Hn." I stared at him as he made a voice of agreement. Well that's what it sounded like to me. Or maybe not..But Sasuke seemed to understand it.

Grinning I stood up not even bothering to tie my other shoe. Who gives a crap anyway? I don't.

"Yeah, I've sang songs in lots'a villages. I sometimes model for the magazines." 

He stared at me in awe and grabbed my hands in determination.

"Sing for me!" 

I shook my head, "Can't."

"Why not?!"

"I need to rest my voice, don't want to ruin it." I stared at our entwined hands and I grimaced. I pulled away from him. "But you can't tell anyone, if you do then I'll be chased by my fans."

He looked at me in shock and nodded in understanding.

"I have so many fan-girls. But not as much as nii-san!" I turned to stare at Girly-Itachi who was leaning against the wall staring at us. Creepy. Maybe I should change his name to Creepy-Itachi.

I squinted at him but he was covered by Sasuke who stepped in front of me.

"Why are you looking at him like that? ARE YOU A FAN-GIRL TOO?!" I winced at his volume and rolled my eyes. 

"Does it look like I'm fawning over his good looks?" I turned and gave Girly-Itachi a skeptical look....He was pretty cute. I blushed and turned away quickly, hoping they didn't see it. He's way too young for me.....Darn this tiny body! I looked away just in time to miss Itachi's smirk. 


I sighed in relief at my savior and ran past them. I grinned once I reached the bottom of the stairs, there was dad by the door holding a cake with pink frosting. Looks yummy, not my type of color but hey....I'm not complaining. He began talking to mom who came out to help him set the table.

I looked behind me to see Itachi standing there holding Sasuke. How did they get here so fast? I gaped at them for a while but snapped out of it when I smelt cookies. Mmmmm...snicker doodle.

I wonder if mom would notice if I ate the cookies. Grinning I waltzed into the kitchen, worth the risk. I snuck past mom who was scolding dad about his laziness. He looked like a kicked puppy.

I looked up at the tall counter and stood on my tippy-toes, darn my shortness! I reached up, just a hair away from it. I was careful not to touch the hot oven. This cookie is taunting me. You know when you put all your strength into reaching for something and it's just barely a hair's length away? Yeah, well this is that situation. 

I'm so close! Maybe if I get a stool, or bribe Sasuke into letting me stand on his shoulders...

"Mayu-chan?" I let out a short scream and quickly backed away from the stray of cookies. Oh. Phew, it's just Itachi.

"What do you want, Girly-Itachi?" I scanned the kitchen, hoping to find some some sort of stool. I can't grab a chair from the dining room, bringing a chair two times my size into the kitchen is a little bit suspicious.


I grinned at him, "Yeah, you have long hair. Like a giiiiirl."  He stared at me and I stared back. Is he turning this into a staring contest? Pshhh, I'll win hands down, bring it on slut. Hehehe, if Itachi can read minds, he would be pretty pissed that I called him a slut.

"Wanna' grab me a cookie?"

"Hn." Did he agree? I don't really know...


"Why should I?"

"Because you love me and would do anything for me."

I grinned at his raised eyebrow. He totally loves me. I mean who wouldn't? 

Wow, I sound so self-centered.

"Pretty please?" I gave him my best puppy dog eyes. No one can say no to these! Even dad can't say no. He usually avoids looking directly into my eyes. Last time I made the puppy dog eyes I heard him say something that suspiciously sound like "Don't provoke it." I tried to make him repeat but he refused.

His eyes went from the cookie then back to me. He grabbed a cookie and glanced at me. I grinned, Itachi's so nice-DID HE JUST EAT MY COOKIE?!


I glared at him, stomped on his foot with my little heel and sulked out of the kitchen. 

Well there's always Sasuke. 

"Hey Sasuke~!"


I rushed this a little so sorry if there are mistakes ;-;

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