About Damn Time!

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Yesss~ Academy Time. Ninja shee-it is gonna get done!

Well, here's the new chapter~! Hope you enjoy!


"Do you have your bag?" I rolled my eyes at her question. For the last hour, mom has been nagging me about everything. Today's the day I join the Academy with Naruto and Sasuke, and she's already going to make me late!

"Yes, mom. I have everything." I grimaced as she pulled me into a hug.

"My little Mayu-chan is going to become a ninja!" I attempted to pull my head out of her breasts. She's going to suffocate me with those things!

"Now, now,  Mina-chan. She has to go to school." With a lot of effort, I turned my head to the direction of my dad's voice. He stood by the stairs, wearing his everyday kimono and giving us a creepy, closed eye smile.

"Yeah and I'll be back before you know it!" I smiled sweetly. Let me go...let me go...

"Oh~ My Mayu-chan is growing up!" Her grip tightened and buried her faced into my hair. My feet felt nothing but air as she lifted me higher. If she drops me, she will regret it. I'll sic dad on her. Dad can be scary when he tried. Last time, Naruto accidentally groped me and right at that moment my dad walked in. Dad just stood there with a strained smile while he dragged Naruto into the kitchen. 

Next thing I know, Naruto wouldn't look me in the eye for an hour until I forcibly made him. I notice that Naruto always shivered violently whenever I brought up the subject. Hm.

I wondered what my dad did to him.



After Kami knows how long, I was finally able to leave. After many tears from mom and dad not doing anything, I grabbed my bag and quickly slammed the door shut on my way out.

Phew! I rook a large gulp of air and breathed in the outdoor. Grinning I opened the gate and slammed it shut behind me. Stepping onto the dirt road, I began walking towards the Academy.

"Mayu-chan!" Before I could turn around, I fell forward as the source of the voice tackled me.

"Gah! Naruto!" I turned my head to see Naruto giving me a closed eye grin.

"Onward!" Naruto pointed forward and I rolled my eyes.

"Alright, alright."

Making sure my bag was strapped to my shoulder, I hooked my arms around Naruto's legs. Grunting, I pulled him upwards into a more comfortable position and continued on. He was pretty light so I had no trouble carrying him. This boy needs to put more food into him!

Naruto sighed and rested his chin on my shoulder, his arms wrapped around my neck.

"So what do you think our sensei will be like?"

He laughed, "He has to be strong so he can keep up with me!"

I smiled at his cockiness, too cute.

"Oh~ Naruto-sama! No one is as strong as you!" I said sarcastically.

"That's right, 'tte bayo!" I swayed as he began getting excited.

"Oi! Calm down. Don't want me to fall down, because if I do, I'm taking you down with me." He froze and relaxed. 

The walk was silent except for the chattering of shop keeps and merchants. It was a nice silence, something I rarely get from Naruto.

"Ne, ne, Mayu-chan." I glanced back. He was leaning against my head, his blonde hair brushing up against my cheek. His head was tilted to the side as he stared off into the distance.


"Do you think I'll be a strong ninja?" Hearing his hopeful voice, I felt my heart clench. Naruto has gone through a lot. The villagers treated him horribly and Naruto said that to gain respect from the villagers, he's going to become a ninja and eventually the Hokage. I don't know why he cares about them, if I were in his position, I would've stopped caring a long time ago. That's what I like most about Naruto. He doesn't hate.

I smiled fondly.

"Of course. Stronger than the Hokage." 

He closed his eyes and nuzzled against my neck.


"Woot! We're together!" I rolled my eyes as Naruto began cheering and jumping around. The class lists were posted on the doors and we ended up together in the same class, along with Sasuke, the rest of the clan children, and a few civilian children.

"Well, then let's go!" I grabbed onto the collar of his shirt and pulled him into the building. I let go of his shirt and he skipped beside me. I grinned, his happiness was contagious.

Sliding open the door, I scanned the few people in here. A boy in a large coat sat at the top in the corner, obviously a Aburame. A row down was a kid with a little puppy on his head, and red markings on his cheek. Well, that is no doubt an Inuzuka, and obviously the younger child of the clan head.

On the left side of the class room was a little...pink..haired girl. Pink? Holy shee-it. Strange color. She was hunched over and stared down at her lap. I frowned, guess she was shy.

At the top row was a small girl with short hair and pale eyes. The pupiless eyes indicated she was a Hyuga, most likely Hyuga Hinata, the clan heiress. Two seats across from her were three kids, three kids who I went on play-dates way too much. Shikamaru was slumped against the desk, probably sleeping, or ignoring the Ino who kept jabbing him in the side, probably trying to get his attention, her face slowly getting red. Choji sat next to them, ignoring everything, munching on his chips. 

The rest of the class was filed with a bunch of civilian kids, all running around and being loud. Seems like I'll be learning along side the clan heirs. Joy.

Seeing Sasuke by the window, I smiled and waved towards him. I ran towards him, pulling Naruto along as he whined.

Plopping down on the seat, Naruto sat on my right.

"Sasuke-teme! When did you get here?!" His voice echoed in the classroom, gaining head turns, but I simply smiled, already used to his loudness.

"Dobe. Some of us actually come to school on time." I rolled my eyes, we're actually a little early. Sasuke is just trying to get a rise out of Naruto.



I sat there silently as they both leaned over me, spitting insults back and forth. This is an every day event. If they went one day with out insulting each other, it'd be the apocalypse.

"Okay, kids!" A young man entered the class room, he had a scar across his nose and brown hair tied in a pony tail. I raised an eyebrow, he looked a little young to be a teacher.

"Settle down!" All the kids standing up rushed towards their seats.

As the teacher introduced himself, as Iruka-sensei, He went around the around the room, having kids introduce themselves. It was going smoothly until it got to Naruto. Naruto, being the adorable idiot he was, stood on the desk and yelled out, "I'm Uzumaki Naruto! And I'm going to be Hokage, 'tte bayo!"

The class was silently for a few seconds until everyone burst out into laughter. I frowned, one of the reason why I disliked children. I may be in the a body of a child but my mind was an adult and I was too impatient to be dealing with rude brats. 

I looked up at Naruto to see him look lost and slightly hurt. In a flash, he was grinning and rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. 

"Sit down, Uzumaki!"

Iruka-sensei glared ferociously. I frowned, oh great. Another person who had an irrational hatred for Naruto.

This doesn't sound like it's going to be fun.



I wonder why he hates Naruto? DO YOU KNOW? I sure don't. She said sarcastically.

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