Stalking Ensues

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Another chapter huh? I'm on fire!! :D


I slammed the small teacup on the table, gritting my teeth.

"Are they still looking this way?" I gave Itachi a forced smile and resisted the urge to look out the open window.

He gave an amused smile and nodded. It's like we're entertainment to the masses. Sasuke was the first to find out about the engagement which he of course told Naruto. Now all they do is stalk us when they know we're having our weekly get together. It's sort of required for us to have little dates since the clan heirs must get to know their future spouse. I find it actually enjoyable. We take turns every week to go somewhere.

Itachi usually chooses the little dango shop and I switch it up a lot. My most frequent choice is this little cafe we're in. I just love their lemon cake and their Hojicha tea. The sweet tea tastes so delicious especially with some lemon in it.

Now as we sit here in the little cafe, drinking tea while Naruto and Sasuke are across the street, spying on us as if we don't know they're there. It was cute at first and amusing 2 trips ago but recently Itachi's 'admirers' somehow found out, and started following us like hound dogs. Now both the little stalkers and crazy horde of girls, with an occasional boy, follow us everywhere. I don't know how they find out where we are all the time but it's pretty annoying.

I can feel their eyes burning into my soul. It makes me very uncomfortable, especially since they hate me for being with Itachi. Women, am I right? I'm so happy I was never boy crazy. I'm never going to associate myself with a fangirl. Never.

I glanced up as the waitress set my lemon cake in front of me. Itachi only ordered tea since we were headed to the dango shop after. He was having cravings, he does love his sweets.

Seeing the servers cheerful smile, I smiled back and thanked her. She nodded with a blush and with the tray clutched to her chest she scurried back behind the counter with the other woman who was in charge of the register.

At least the waitresses weren't glaring, they actually thought we were cute and starting cooing at us from a distance. I'd rather be squealed over and called cute than have a rampaging fangirl chase after me.

"Them two and now your scary fangirls." Itachi, smiling at my comment, reached over the table and clasped my hand.

"What are you doing?" I hissed, glancing out the window. "You're spurring them on!"

He'll make them scarier if he's not careful. I better watch my back from now on, who knows where they may be lurking.

"Don't worry. I'll protect you." I gave him an thin smile and rolled my eyes. My hero.

"Are you going to charm them to death?" I asked dryly with an eyebrow raised in question. His lips quirked up slightly and chuckled, letting go of my hand he went back to his tea, dark eyes never straying from mine.

 I could just imagine Itachi confronting his fangirls, giving them a little toss of his hair. The way his lips would curve into a seductive smile and- Stop, bad thoughts!

I blushed, I'm converting to fangirlism. I hid my smug grin behind my tea. At least Itachi's mine and those silly little fangirls can't have them.

I paused. I am so territorial. I must get it from my mom. Sounds about right. She acts the same way with dad.

Okay, stop thinking and just enjoy Itachi's company.

I've gotten used to this 'courtship' thing we were doing before marriage. I was nervous in the beginning but Itachi calmed me down we a few outspoken words and reassurances. Now us being together only seems natural and I feel much more comfortable around him. Just think, our honeymoon is going to be even more awkward. But it hasn't come to that yet.

"Mayu-chan, you're kicking me." I glanced up from my cake and looked at him in confusion.

"I am?" I looked down under the table and found that I've been kicking my legs back and forth, since I'm too short to reach the ground, in thought.

I grinned and said unapologetic, "Sorry, just thinking."

He shot me a curious look. "About?"

I shrugged with a small blush. "Just, y'know, about us and the whole marriage thing."

I glanced up to see his face closed off. "Are you regretting it?" He asked hesitantly. If I'm not mistaken, I could hear the barest hint of sadness.

I shook my head furiously. "No! Never..I was just..-" I blushed and ducked my head.

"Just thinking about the future." And there it went. Now he knows what I think about. Oh Kami this is so embarrassing.

"Oh?" His tense shoulders didn't go unnoticed but I sighed in relief when the conversation wasn't awkward anymore.

I hope he doesn't push it, I don't really want to tell him the topic of what I was thinking about. I don't think that I'm age appropriate to be thinking about sex right now. So that means no more dick jokes. I hung my head in disappointment, no more 'that's what she said' jokes either.

I nodded and went back to eating. Focus on eating....

"Excuse me?" I jerked my head up at the obviously female voice that came from my right. A girl stood there, eyes on Itachi. 

"Yes?" I asked politely, knowing she wouldn't leave if ignored.

She glanced at me but quickly disregarded me. Oh, hold up! This bitch...

She glanced down and blushed while fiddling with the end of her dress. Is she trying to look innocent? I stifled my glare and kept my face clean with no trace of what I was feeling. Fangirls...Yeugh. The hatred is real. I'm trying to enjoy Itachi and my lemon cake and she comes along and ruins my appetite. Grimacing, I shoved the fork into my mouth. No matter, not going to let this go to waste.

I kept my head low as I focused on my cake but sometimes flickered up to look at the scene in front of me.

Itachi inclined his head to the girl and stared at her, waiting for her to talk.

"I-Itachi-kun...-" She straightened up and stared him in the eye. "I wish to-...!"

Before she could finish her sentence, a little boy came running by and knocked her down. The head of blonde hair came by fast and I could barely register what happened before raising my eyebrow. Was that Naruto?

I blinked and pushed away the hair that blew into my face from the sudden breeze left behind from the fast moving person.

The girl on the floor had tears in her eyes and shot up with a loud apology. Before any of us could say anything, she ran out the cafe and left my view. She must have been embarrassed. Poor girl.

I raised an eyebrow at Itachi. "Seems you have an admirer."

His lip quirked up into a half smile. "Seems so. But nothing could compare to you, Mayu-chan."

I resisted the urge to smash my head against the table from his teasing. For many reasons, mostly because my cake was there and if I did that people would look at me strangely. Don't want to cause another disturbance. Naruto and I barely avoided getting banned in a little store. Wasn't my fault though, the apples decided to jump up and attack me. I, of which, countered their attack and ended up smashing into the wall of items. Let's just say there was a domino effect. Guess we'll never shop there anymore.

"You too, Itachi. You too." I fiddled with my fork before taking the last few bites. When finished Itachi offered me his hand before paying and leaving the cafe.

Off to the Dango shop!


Phew -wipes sweat off forehead-

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