A Blast From the Past

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I shoved Donnie away from me, hard, knocking him down to the floor. He looked up at me with a startled expression; it almost made me want to help him up and apologize.

But something inside of me had snapped; broken open to the point that turning around wasn't an option. The covers were flung back and in a rage, and my claws hit the ground. I was on all fours, with one mission in my head: Find Harlen. Out of my room I went, like a tiger on the hunt.

"Julie!" I heard him screamed. I ignored it completely, continuing to the living room.

"Where is she going?" The rumble let me know that the dragon, Shol, was awake and coming after me as well. I didn't care. There were things to be done, and urgently.

The lights were dimmed in the lair, meaning that it must still be nighttime. I didn't care, I wanted to be off and running to the outside world. Everything else was just a blur to me; I didn't hear Shol the dragon or Donnie screaming my name this time as I hit the wooden plank set up that they used to lead up to a sky light. There was slight moonlight straining to illuminate the living room, and I jumped, again, onto the second plank and scrambled onto the third one. The wood splintered and tried digging into my scales, only to break again and fall to the floor.

"Julie!!" Donnie screamed again, bottom of the skylight plank. I turned, fur raising, teeth bared. He jerked back, startled then full-fledged scared. Shol shuffled his talons, eyes taking in the severity of the situation.

"Don't..." He said, face softening, tears pricking his eyes. "Come back down! Please! I don't want you to get hurt. If I lose you again..." He swallowed hard. "Please..."

I let out an inhumane roar, jumping, and landing topside. As soon as the air hit my face, I smiled and my fur rose in happiness. The stars were out, the night was cool, and I felt alive. My head tilted back, and I let out a howl of ecstasy. What a night!

Must get ahold of myself - the night was amazing, yes, but I needed to find Harlen.

Yes, Harlen, right. My thoughts were hitting me at a mile a minute and I didn't care at this point.

There was heavy scent of Axe in the air; something that Harlen would use if he didn't have time to shower in a few days. I could see it almost as if it were a blue clouded mist in the air, directing me straight towards my object. My Harlen, the one that always stood beside of me; I was very close to finding him.

The scent twisted and turned in such a way that I almost lost myself - but it clouded and condensed at the front entrance of Murikami's. I smiled, feeling something in me shift, and my instincts slow down to an almost crawl.

I walked slowly into Murikami's, the soft lighting illuminating my fur and making me feel beautiful. My fur ruffled an almost shy smiled spreading across my face. He sat in our usual spot, drinking saki and staring off into space.

Murikami looked up and favored me with a small smile, nodded to acknowledge my presence.

"It is a pleasure to hear you again, Juliet-san."

"It's a pleasure to be here..." I murmured softly, my claws hitting the ground in a soft pat-pat-pat pattern. Harlen didn't look up from his drink, only stared at the wall with decorative fans. We always love to look at them and imagine what would happen if we were to pose with them...I chuckled at the memory.

My hands were being held just under my stomach, and I spoke softly: "Harlen...?"


Julie's got control of another chapter. And the next one as well before I end it completely. Sorry for the wait, everyone.

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