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The white dragon nuzld me like he had known me for years. I was confused and puts my hands on his snout and pushed him back. He looked at me hurt, the eyes diggin deep in my skin. My tail flicked and warm air wafted on me as he breathed out.

"Juliet....?" he asked softly.

"She doesn't remember, Shol," Naomi purred by the black dragon. The dragon she was by was shorter than the white one and had amber eyes and a somewhat flat head and barely a snout. She was nuzzling Naomi close, Naomi hugging back.

The white dragon looked at me and sighed, worried. "And she touched the poster...."

"I did the same thing," Naomi answered. "It almost fell off a few times."

"I felt it too, Shol," the black dragon answered calmly. "I was not going to come back until Juliet touched your poster."

"Oookaaay," I chuckled nervously, backing up. "Good to know that I had a dragon in my room the entire time and nobody told me. And the fact that Naomi had a dragon and that you all-" I pointed at the the boys "-are okay with this is creepy enough, so I'll be at the lair, in my room."

I smiled then walked away quickly. As soon as I was out of sight, I pelted down the tunnels and back to the lair.

Weird. Weird. Weird. Was all I could think. I thought dragons hadn't existed! Apparently, my Bio teacher wasn't so crazy after all...

I went to the lair and into my room, my fur raising and ruffling about in waves. It bothered me... It really bothered me... Who would OWN a dragon?! Apparently me and Naomi. I frowned at the thought.

"Why is underground the most mysterious...?" I muttered to myself, holding my head in my hands.

"There are more wonders yet to be discovered, Juliet," a deep voice sounded behind me. Again, the white dragon... What'd they all call him...? And like he read my mind, "My name is Shol."

"Good to know," I said a little freaked out. This wasn't happening...

"But it is happening, young one."

"Make up your mind about what to call me!" I snapped, whipping my tail. "First it's 'Juliet' and now 'Young one'! What's next? 'Fluffy'?!"

Shol's head jerked back a little in surprise. I was clinging on to my fur, probably ripping some of it out with the scale ends cropping it all off.

The white dragon sighed and raised a foot, which raised a silver talon and gently pried my hands away from my fur. My skin felt prickly and weird when I let go. I looked at the dragon's blue eyes and looked a little hurt.

Something in me finally broke and I ran up and hugged him around his long and slender neck. His head wrapped around the back of me and stayed between my shoulder blades. "I have missed you, Juliet."

"I wouldn't know if I'd miss you because I don't know you..." I muttered into his scales. Which seemed echoey.

Footsteps were coming our way and I let go of Shol and looked over. The rest of the gang were coming back.

Naomi came up to me when I first saw her and she said softly as in a reply for what I said to Shol, "You only need to remember."

I growled lowly. This again?! Are they serious?! Shol chuckled and then a black streak came from nowhere and tackled the white beast down.

"Topaz!" Shol roared out, looking up at the smaller but seemingly stronger dragon. "Must you?"

"Topaz, get down," Naomi ordered. "It's time for training."

At that last sentence, Donnie looked at me and my tail flicked in question. Training...

Donatello, I Don't Understand... (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now