A Weird School Day...

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When I woke up for good, I looked around curiously. I sighed, remembering my weird ass dream. It wasn't that great except I thought I saw Naomi. But I wondered if I was going as crazy she was when she talked about these dreams of Turtles.

I moved the ddrawing stuff off my lap and sat up, gathering the stuff up. I put it in my already cluttered backpack and looked at the time. I still had a few more minutes before my actual alarm went off. Sighing, I got the drawing stuff out once again and started to work on another drawing.

It started out like I usually did. But then it turned into the Turtle in my dream. I drew the background and what I could see. When I finished, I looked at it closely. But the alarm went off, making me jump in shock. I looked at it and shut it off.

"Damn alarm clock..." I breathed out. I put the stuff in my pack for real this time and threw it across my back.

School didn't seem the best thing right now, but to get through the world, you have to get at least some kind of education. Or, you could end up what Naomi's step mom did for a living: clean houses. Barely enough to pay for gasoline to get back and forth.

I grabbed my coat and left the house, heading to school a few blocks away. Usually halfway, Sophie and Naomi would join up with me. Even see Cindy sometimes if we were lucky. But, today, only Sophie joined up with me like she has for the past week.

"Still no Naomi..?" she asked, looking at me worried.

"Nope," I lied. If I told her about the abandoned house, she would flip and ask me where she was now. Naomi was usually walking with me now. So, I wouldn't be surprised if Sophie was worried.

She sighed and looked down, gripping her backpack straps near her chest. "This sucks..."

"Yeah," I sighed, looking up. "I know..."

"She's been gone for over a week. Cindy and I have even put posters up!" she exclaimed, looking down. Then she looked at me, "You know what's really weird?"

"What?" I asked, looking at her sideways.

"When I showed the picture of her to people she knew, they act like they don't remember her! It's like... only us, you, me, Cindy, remember her...! It's not right..."

I looked at her a little confused. "Have you showed the picture to her parents?"

"Yes!" she said, looking at me. "They just stared at me like I'm crazy then they asked who I was! They know me!"

That was weird. I haven't heard anything like that. Guess I would have to try it myself.

We didn't catch a view of Cindy on the way to school, so we were a little disappointed, but we'd meet after school. Unless she got kidnapped too... But as soon as we hit the doors, we went our seperate ways.

I went to my locker and shuffled in it to find my Senior English stuff. I found it and gathered it up in my arms. Then I saw a familiar ginger head through the horde of teens as I closed my locker. Beside her was the ever so idiotic Casey Jones.

Watching them pass, I noticed as April looked at me. I looked confused. She never looked at me. Not even in our one shared class, Chemistry. She looked a little jealous then turned back to Casey to start talking again.

Okay... Weird.... I shook my head and went to first block. It was World Cultures, and I just doodled the whole time. It was still the Turtle in my dream. Over and over again. Like, if I drew him, maybe he would answer the question why he was in my dream in the first place.

The bell rang to dismiss me to my next class, Art. Yes, there was a general name for it, but I always thought that any art was art, even if it had a certain name. I walked in with my notebook and stuff and sat down, already starting to draw again.

Something in my mind snapped and I blinked as I started drawing again. This time it was two Turtle-looking things. The first one I drew seemed different than the one I was drawing, but with some similarites. They both had belts, a shell, and a plastron.

Then the second one I drew behind the first. It had a lean and slim shape. More feminine. It had a tail, strangely enough that wound around the legs of the first. The first had a smirk, staring at the second. Then I drewthe second with the eyes I always drew when I drew Naomi. Slim, like a cats' or dragons, with dark lashes.

I stared at the picture. It had detail. Something I hardly ever did, except with the full-body pictures I did. The background was in the same place I had my dream, since that was all I could remember.

The first one had ripped mask ends that laid on its shoulder. He, I decided to say because the next one seemed feminine, was looking at the second one protectively. HIs posture was a bit on the tough side and I was confused. I never draw that kind of posture without messing up somehow.

But the second one held my attention the longest. She, I am putting the feminine pieces together, looked straight at me, like she was wanting something. Hiding behind the first one barely, I couldn't see the left side of her face. All I could see was half of her body shape and the realistic swishing of the tail.

Suddenly, the bell rang and I jumped out of my seat in complete shock. Looking around, I breathed out and gathered up my stuff once again to go to Chemistry.

Slipping in the class, I sat in my seat, not even bothering to bring out my drawing stuff. I was afraid that if I did, I wouldn't be able to stop.

Someone actually sat down by me for once. Usually, nobody sat by me, being the oddball that only draws and doodles. I didn't look up, but a piece of paper slipped under my arm and I looked at it as April left the seat.

Blinking confusedly, I looked at the paper before opening it up. All it said was:

"I'm going with you to meet Naomi."

I was shocked. How did she know I was meeting Naomi?! Did she put a bug in my phone? Naomi's new one? I glared at her from across the room. She just ignored me, tapping her pencil on her desk as she waited for Casey.

The guy wouldn't show. He hardly showed. All Casey was going to be was a dropout that wouldn't live up to anything but the bad shot he was with a hockey puck. But then again, I've only seen that in the hallway. He might actually be good at it elsewhere.

But, surprisingly, Casey did show. He took his original seat right by April. She smiled, catching my eye quickly. I shuffled the note and she nodded, like she was saying that even if I said no, she would still come.

I sighed and set my elbows on the table and held my forehead. The one girl that has hardly ever talked to me is suddenly sparking intrest. What the hell have I walked into..?


Julie, I'm so sorry. XD I had to bring April in this. You and her might have a small competiton for Donnie. Just saying. And I'm sorry if you didn't like this chapter, but I did. It was entertaining. And I needed another idea rather than her just coming to meet Naomi.

Anyway, guys like it? I dragged Sophie in for a few seconds just to show you how everyone has taken to Naomi's "disappearance".

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