Homecoming and Chinese Food

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Chapter 8

Nino and Adrien were back in the Lahiffe house. Both were exhausted from searching for Felix. By the time they were in bed, the rain had turned into a full storm.

Adrien had trouble sleeping, but not because he was sharing the bed with Nino. It was because Felix was still out there somewhere, stalking him, or killing others in some sick preperation of finishing him off.

He tossed in his sleep as the storm rolled on, waking up with a start after a loud bang from the lightning outside.

Adrien looked around Nino's room. He took out his phone, turned on the flashlight, and beamed it on some shadows in the corner which turned out to be Plagg and Wayzz sleeping.

Adrien sighed. "I need to calm down, I am going crazy," he said, turning off the phone light and trying to go back to sleep.

Then Adrien felt something warm on his side. It wasn't Plagg curlling up next to him, it was liquid.

At first Adrien thought he had pissed himself. He tried to shake Nino awake and apologize but then he felt something flowing from Nino's body. Adrien's eyes widened. He looked at Nino and removed the covers. He saw Nino, his eyes open but glossed over and his torso riddled with knife wounds.

Adrien screamed and jumped off the bed in horror. Just then, something came out from under the bed and grabbed Adrien's ankle.

Adrien kicked himself free and ran for the door.

Then the door opened and Felix was on the other side and went straight for him.


"ADRIEN, ADRIEN!!!" Nino shouted, shaking a screaming Adrien awake.

Adrien, breathing heavily, looked at Nino and started to break down in tears.

"It's okay Adrien, it's okay" Nino soothed, hugging Adrien trying to calm him down.


The Next Day

Adrien woke up around 10 in the morning, groggy. He walked downstairs to Nino and his family making a late breakfast.

"I'm sorry about the coffee, Mr. Agreste. But we are busy people and we love the speediness of this brand," Fatima Lahiffe, Nino's mother, said, pouring hot water in a mug filled with instant coffee granules.

Gabriel nodded and drank his coffee, grimacing at the bitter taste.

Adrien sat at the table digging into his turkey bacon and eggs, feeling a little bit better.

Nino entered the kitchen a couple minutes later grabbing some toast and eggs to make a sandwich.

"You better eat more than that Nino." Mrs. Lahiffe said, bringing a carafe of orange juice to the table.

Nino nodded to his mother and grabbed some bacon as well. "I can't stay long, I have to get some things done for Alya today."

"It better be close to home, your father and I have to work until late tonight," Mrs. Lahiffe replied pouring her son and his friend some juice. "I don't want you outside for long."

Nino sighed, "Mom, I'm just getting some things for my girlfriend I am not going into a haunted house."

Mrs. Lahiffe glared toward her son. "This isn't a joke, there is someone out there hurting children. I will not allow you to end up like them."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2019 ⏰

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