Family is Forever

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Luka and Rose arrived at the hospital and went to the desk. "Where is Juleka Couffaine?" Luka asked worriedly.

The woman looked at them, confused. "I'm sorry, what are you talking about?" she asked as she looked through the logs to see if anyone by that name was admitted recently. She didn't have to search long as the paramedics carrying the seriously injured Juleka Couffaine.

"BACK UP, BACK UP!!!! SET UP THE O.R. NOW!!! WE ONLY HAVE AN HALF AN HOUR AT MOST!!!!" the Paramedic yelled as he and the others wheeled Juleka through the hall. Rose and Luka ran along with them for as long as they could. until they were held back by nurses and directed to a couple of seats.

They sat down in frustration and sadness. They knew that Juleka didn't have a very strong chance of surviving such an attack. But, they held out hope.

Luka had to ask her, "Rose, how did you fight the guy off?" he was glad that she didn't end up dying at the studio, but he needed to know how Rose managed to get away unscathed.

"When I heard the scream, I went to tell the guard, but when I turned his chair, he was already dead. Then I heard the door breaking down in the hall so I ran down the hall, not caring if he could be looking for anyone else. I saw him... but I didn't get a good look at his face. But I could tell it was not Adrien. I screamed and threw my bag at him and he ended up running away," Rose said stoically, looking down at the floor, "he was stabbing her and he was enjoying it. Adrien would never...." She shook and allowed to tears to flow.

Luka hugged her as she whimpered "Juleka... God, don't take her now." She allowed the tears to flow like the Seine River.

Just then Luka's phone rang. It was Adrien. He switched it on.

Adrien's voice and face filled the screen "Luka..." he said, trying to hold his tears. Then he saw Rose "Rose... are you hurt?!" he asked as she looked at him.

She broke down. "I'm so sorry I doubted you. I thought you were the one and I was wrong." Rose was losing it as she shook and recounted the events to Adrien, who listened with bated breath. All the while she was saying "I was wrong,... I was wrong."

The three of them stayed up all night comforting each other, until Luka's phone battery died and had to recharge.


The next day Marinette went to Nino's house in the lower part of Paris. This time, she brought Tikki with her. "Marinette, are you sure you want to do this? This person already killed four people," Tikki said as Marinette entered Nino's garden.

"I'm sure, Tikki, they are blaming Adrien for all of this, four of our friends are dead, and Juleka is fighting for her life. This has got to end." she replied knocking on the door.

Nino's mother answered, "Hello Marinette, Nino is upstairs."

"Thanks, Mrs. Lahiffe" She ran upstairs.

Once she was upstairs, she saw Alya, Nino and Chloe, who had Pollen in her lap, sleeping. Alya was checking Twitter for any updates and Nino was pacing.

Alya looked up from her phone. "Nino, stop pacing," she said as she put her phone down. "It's gonna be okay." She reassured him to which Nino snapped.

"I will calm down when the police stop hounding my buddy. Alya, he called me this morning and he is really upset about this. The police keep going by his house, he feels trapped with Hawkdaddy in the same house as him! It's gotten to the point where he feels people will attack him the moment he steps foot outside his house!"Nino said in an erratic tone.

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