Death by Baking

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Adrien woke up the next day, sharing the bed with Nino. He slowly got out of bed and went to take a shower. Thankfully, Nino's mom and dad understood his predicament and offered him a place to stay for a couple of days.

As he cleaned himself off with tea tree soap and his 2 in 1 shampoo, he wondered if Felix had been caught the previous night or if the killer, no matter who he or she is, was found. Whatever the situation he did not want to come out until Felix was captured. He was safe at Nino's for the time being.

Once dressed, he went downstairs. Nino was making him breakfast. It was kiwi and strawberry bowls with some Chocolate powder sprinkled on. "I figured we needed something healthy this morning," Nino explained as Adrien sat down. "Besides it is a lot better than... what does your dad give you every morning?"

"Some toast and some grapefruit." Adrien replied eating the sweeter options. Nino was right they were better than what he usually ate.

As soon as they were done. Nino and Adrien decided to call up Marinette and Alya. "I am not bringing Chloe here; not after what she tried to do yesterday," Nino muttered angrily.


Meanwhile, Tom and Sabine were in a rush, they were making the order of Macarons and Eclairs for Gabriel Agreste's party. Both of them looked like they had not slept the entire night.

"Okay, we finished the Black Forest Eclairs and the Edible Gold Chocolate Macarons" Tom, placed the last golden macaron onto the gilded tray that was sent to them the previous night.

Then they saw Marinette heading out the door.

"Stop right there, Marinette, where do you think you are going?" Sabine said worriedly.

Marinette looked at her mother. "Oh, I'm just going off to Nino's to check on Adrien," she told her mother, who tensed up.

"Marinette no! After everything that has happened, I do not feel comfortable letting you go by yourself." Sabine went to her daughters side.

"Mom I will be fine, Adrien is innocent," Marinette told her mom "besides he was with me when those attacks happened." She didn't understand why adults were so quick to judge.

Sabine sighed, she herself knew that Adrien was innocent, She knew who he was and that he wouldn't hurt anyone. But, she also knew that tensions were high and people are looking for justice. What if someone decided to take the law into their own hands and attack Adrien while on a date with Marinette? She feared for both of them.

"Honey, why don't you go with Marinette, I can finish up here," Tom said as he placed the tray onto the cart, "we are just about done."

"Please, mom," Marinette begged.

"Alright, but I will be staying with you the whole time. I will not let my daughter become a victim," Sabine said as she grabbed her purse. Despite being tired herself, she was not going to leave her daughter by herself, whether she was with Adrien or not.

Tom smiled "You go on ahead honey, the order is almost done anyway," he said wearily as he started to mix the dough for the petit-fours, "you and Marinette have a nice time."

Sabine looked at her husband for a moment before she headed out the door after her daughter.

Little did they know, this would be the last time they would see Tom alive.


Felix watched from the bushes, he saw Marinette and Sabine leave in the small Volkswagen.

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