Falsely Accused

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School was cancelled for the rest of the day, and the parents were contacted to pick up their children. The police themselves chauffeured kids who didn't have rides back to their houses. Marinette, Alya, and Nino stood by Adrien as he waited for his father to pick him up. Alya, still visibly shaken, snuggled up to Nino for comfort. "Adrien, do you have any enemies?" she asked Adrien

Marinette and Adrien looked at Alya with shock. "What do you mean enemies?" Adrien exclaimed, stress clearly getting to him. "What would I have done that was so bad, they want to kill my friends off?" he asked, losing his mind.

Alya looked at him with concern. "I know you wouldn't do anything intentionally. But that doesn't mean you didn't rub someone the wrong way, or your dad didn't get someone fired," she replied, looking over to the entrance of the school and seeing Kim and Max's parents comforting one another, Kim's mom screaming in anguish, Max's father crying uncontrollably as they wheeled his son's lifeless body away.

Just then, Kim's father caught a glimpse of Adrien and fire seemed to light in his eyes. He dashed over to Adrien, pushed Nino and Marinette out of the way and tackled Adrien to the ground. "YOU DID THIS!!! YOU DID THIS TO MY SON!!!" he screamed as he wrung Adrien's neck "I'LL KILL YOU!!!" The enraged father shouted as he applied pressure on Adrien's neck, making it hard to breathe.

Just when it seemed like Adrien would suffocate, Roger tackled Mr. Kim to the ground and handcuffed him. The other two officers carried him away from Adrien to calm down. Roger helped Adrien up. "I got to get you to your house, it's dangerous here right now," Roger said as he rushed Adrien into his car "You kid's okay by yourselves for a bit?" he called to Marinette, Nino, and Alya.

"We'll be fine,"Nino replied as he and Alya helped Marinette up. "Just get Adrien out of here."

As Roger led Adrien to his patrol car, they heard Kim's dad shout. "You are taking him home? WHY AREN'T YOU ARRESTING HIM!!! I WANT HIM LOCKED UP!!!" Then Adrien heard the officers restraining him, telling him to calm down or he would be arrested for assault and battery.


It was quiet on their way back to his house. It took so much out of Adrien to not cry .

Roger looked at Adrien, who was on the verge of tears, and said, "Okay, I know it's bad right now, but you are still not being considered a suspect at this time. But we need to talk at your father's home. Now that there are two more victims we have to talk now."

Adrien nodded, allowing a few tears to escape and massaging his bruised neck. "Okay, let's talk," Adrien said trying to hold back more tears.


They pulled up to his house, with Gabriel and Nathalie waiting for them. Adrien's Father hugged him as soon as he got out of the car, once again Adrien did not reciprocate.

Just then, Gabriel noticed the state of his son's neck. "Oh my god, Nathalie, get the ice. Who did this to you Adrien? Give me names, I will get them, don't you worry." Gabriel said as he led Adrien inside. He turned to Roger who looked impatient. "Is there anything else you need, Officer?"

"Yes, we need to talk to your son about his whereabouts today. There were two more murders this afternoon, he is not being considered a suspect at this time, but since he wasn't anywhere on the school grounds we need to account for his whereabouts." Roger said as he sat on a gilded chair, which looked cool but was uncomfortable. "Okay, Adrien, I need you to go through your whereabouts from 12 o clock to 1 o clock."

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