Bloody Lunch

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"I-I have to go!!!" Adrien said, panicking, "If the police go to my house and I'm not there, they'll think I really did it and arrest me." Adrien looked for Plagg who was still eating the danishes that reeked of fermented cat urine and rotten eggs. "Plagg, it's time to go," he said as the Kwami gobbled down his fourth Camembert Danish.

Plagg looked up with a grumpy expression "But I'm not done yet." The Kwami said as he continued to eat. He honestly didn't have a care in the world when Camembert was involved.

Adrien was not amused; "Too bad, we have Camembert at home. Plagg, Claws Out!" He said as Plagg was sucked back into the ring, cursing Adrien out along the way. "I gotta go Marinette; I'll bring back this plate tomorrow okay." He picked up the plate of Cinnamon Buns, gave Marinette a peck on the lips, and jumped out the window into the night.

Marinette looked on in shock and sadness, for Adrien's sake and for the death of her friends. "Adrien, please be careful." she said as she shut the window and switched off the TV. She felt exhausted by it all. She cried herself to sleep, for her friends and for Adrien.


The midnight air was cool; everything was silent, with the exception of running water. The killer was washing off the knife from an alleyway spigot. He had done a very good job. It was regrettable that the couple could not live to enjoy their freedom from the infection. But, in his eyes it is better to die than remain infected. He looked at himself and saw that blood covered his clothes. "I will have to wash them soon," he said to himself while walking down the alleyway.

Just then, he heard a shout from an angry cook. "Stupid American Swines, they think they can just order food and not pick it up. This is such a disgrace," she had a bag full of food that had practically gone to waste that she angrily threw it into a dumpster before going back inside.

The killer looked around for a minute to make sure he was alone. As soon as he was sure, he swiped the food from the can and ran from the vicinity to enjoy his dinner in peace.

As he ate, he wandered and fantasized about killing the source of the infection. He imagined being reunited with the one he was doing it for. He finally imagined the promise they made when they were kids. "...One day we will go to Africa." The killer said to himself as he enjoyed his food.


Adrien arrived back to his room around midnight, he went into his room and Plagg finally gave out and was far from pleased. "Adrien... WHY WOULD YOU TAKE ME FROM THE ONLY THING IN LIFE THAT MAKES ME HAPPY?!?" Plagg shouted in anger.

Adrien glowered at the little Kwami. "You really think I care about cheese that smells like vomit? I could go to jail!" Adrien was hyperventilating at this point. The sight of the bodies of his friends still haunted him.

Just then, he heard the door open; Gabriel was in the doorway, he rushed to Adrien and hugged him. Adrien didn't reciprocate. "Adrien, thank god you are okay."

Adrien looked up at his father "Dad... Did you Akumatize anyone tonight?" He sank to the bed as he said that. He knew Noo Roo was gone but that didn't mean his father didn't decide to kidnap him again.

"You know for a fact I don't have Noo Roo anymore. You took him from me and punched me, remember?" Gabriel replied coldly.

Adrien however, was not done. "Okay, but that doesn't mean you don't have a back-up plan. You may have lost Noo Roo but that doesn't mean you don't have some ready-made Akuma's somewhere." He rebutted, hoping to poke a hole in his father's alibi. But Gabriel did not flinch.

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