New Model for Murder

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The next day Gabriel drove his son personally to school around 7 in the morning. Headmaster Damacles met with him at the gate and led him to his locker. "I'm so sorry Mr. Agreste, but it is for your safety," he said as Adrien opened his locker.

He emptied it's content's out into a cardboard box and removed all the decals from the door that Nino gave him and placed it into his pocket. Every bit of it was painful to say the least. But he said nothing, just simply removed every book, every personal effect. Once Adrien had finished, Damacles led his father to the office to sign some papers. As he waited he saw Marinette, Nino, and Alya arriving at school early.

He went to greet them. "Hi guys." Adrien said in a somber mood. "I guess it's official." He put down his box and just walked over to his friend's and hugged them. He had no idea if he would be back or if his father would allow him to see them again.

Nino was agitated by the whole situation and rightfully so. "This isn't fair man. You didn't do anything wrong," he said as he let Adrien go, "Marinette and I were with you yesterday, why aren't we being suspended too?" This bothered Nino to no end.

Adrien saw the agitation and placed his hand on Nino's shoulder "Please, don't do anything stupid. I don't want you or anyone else getting in trouble."

Marinette and Alya went over and hugged him again. "Adrien..." Alya began to say as she let him go. "It will be alright. Soon the killer will be caught, people will forget this and life will go back to normal," she finished, trying to cheer Adrien up. Though Adrien wasn't so sure if the Court of Public Opinion would even allow that at all.

Marinette kissed her boyfriend and whispered, "We will find this guy. Don't worry." she then gave him a look to show that she was serious. She continued, "We won't let you get framed for this, right guys?" Nino and Alya nodded and smiled.

Then Gabriel came out of Damacles' office "Alright Adrien, time to go." he said, picking up Adrien's items and heading to the car. Adrien hugged his friends and kissed his girlfriend one more time before following his father.


On the way home, Gabriel tried to initiate a conversation, "Adrien, how about for tonight...." Gabriel began but Adrien held his hand up.

"Don't talk to me," Adrien said, not even looking at his dad. Gabriel sighed sadly as he drove home.

Once they arrive home, Adrien just took his box and ran straight for his room. Gabriel sighed and went straight to his office to do some work.

Adrien flopped onto his bed, screamed into a pillow, and broke down crying. He cried for the fact that he was losing his friends and the fact that he was banned from going back to school, possibly forever; Plagg saw this and comforted Adrien.

"Adrien, don't cry, I believe you, your friends believe you, Don't let this stress you out." Plagg said, wanting to cheer his master up.

Adrien lifted his head and looked at the Kwami. "Thank you, Plagg." He gave Plagg a watery smile. Plagg then flew to the fridge and got a Piece of Camembert Cheese. He passed it to Adrien, who took it, despite the smell. "That's very nice Plagg, thank you."

Plagg smiled "Cheese makes everything better."


The school day was somber; everyone in school was on edge, two more people died because of the killer. The conversation was polarized. One side was saying that Adrien was innocent:

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