Chapter Twelve

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sorry, i haven't exactly been on lately. its really hard to write/edit when i have writers block & a life lol

chapter 12 - never forget

        "[f/n]? [f/n]?!" You heard a voice call out. 

        It was pitch black. You couldn't see a thing or move a muscle. It was very disorienting.

        "[f/n]!" The voice called again, only this time it was closer....

        You opened your eyes, having a blurry vision at first, until you blinked a couple times, looking around a hospital room.

        Your eyes eventually rest upon Gilbert. He was sitting on the side of the bed you were on, holding your hand.

He looked worriedly at you.

        "Gilbert..?" You managed to croak out his name in a hoarse voice. You coughed a couple times.

        Gilbert's worried face vanished and turned into a bright smile.

        "[f/n]! Thank god you are avake! I vas so scared I lost you... Ve couldn't find you in the house after me and my bruder came home from zhe bar, and I vas so scared out of my mind. Ve vent searching for you, and found you on a sidewalk bleeding out!" 

        Your eyes went wide once you realized when you remember that lady and what had occurred.

        Tears were already at the edge of your eyes. Gilbert asked what was wrong, and you looked away, shaking your head.

        You turn back to him with a fake smile. "It's just..." 

No not yet... I'll wait until the time is right.

        "I love you..."

         You covered your mouth in disbelief. Did you just tell him that?!

        Gilbert smiled. "Ich liebe dich, [f/n]." Then he scooted closer, and kissed you on the mouth.

        You were too shocked to move, and he pulled away, smirking.

        "Now then, I'll go see the doctor. You stay here vith your cute little butt~" You instantly blushed, and he walked out of the room.

        You sighed, looking down at yourself. 

        Why did it have to be this way...

        "Hey bruder, [f/n] and I are home!~" Gilbert sung out, once he came inside the house.

        You cringed slightly. He may be handsome, but let's just say he's not exactly the best singer.

        The both of you walked into the living room, seeing Ludwig on the couch watching football (soccer). He turned his vision away from the television to look at the both of you.

        Once he saw you, he instantly smiled, got up, and hugged you.

        "Ah, [f/n]! I'm so glad you are okay! I vas scared that you vere dead-" Then he broke out in sobs, sobbing into your shoulder.

        You stood there frozen, not knowing what to do. You didn't know he cared for you that much. Gilbert pushed him away, and glared.

        "Hands off, bruder. She's mien~" He whispered in your ear and you shivered.

        Ludwig wiped his tears away and chuckled slightly. 

        "I'm so glad my bruder has finally found someone to take care of him.. so that I don't have to anymore." Gilbert tackled Ludwig after the last comment.

        "Vhy you little-!" And so they fought like little children while you stood there watching them with a sad smile on your face.

        You're never going to see them again... 

        Never hear...

        Never touch...

        Never feel love like this ever again...

        Tears streamed down your face, as you broke out into a tiny sob. Gilbert and Ludwig's smirking faces, looked at you and turned into worried expressions.

        "[f-f/n]?" Gilbert asked worriedly.

        You stood there, tears streaming down your face, and clenched fists. 
        "I have to tell you guys.. something..." You hiccuped.

        "I can't be here anymore... I-I have to go.. I have to l-leave you guys... a-and everyone else..." You hiccuped again, not caring. 

        Gilbert's eyes went wide. "But [f/n]! You can't leave! Ve all love you very much, even me! Vhy vould you vant to leave? I don't get it..."

        You shook your head. "E-Exactly why I have to go... I'll miss you all.. I still love everyone, e-even you Gilbert.. I-I just wish it didn't have to be this way..."

You walked towards the front door, pushing past the brothers.

          "I.. I love you, Gil."

        Then you turned around, holding the front door with your right hand.

        You turned back, actually smiling, with tears strolling down your cheeks.  "I'll never forget you."

        You ran out the house, hearing Gilbert's and Ludwig's shouts, trying to get you to come back.

        Never forget....

Inside Their World [Prussia x Reader]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt