Chapter Two

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chapter 2 - a new country?!

        It had only been awhile since you have been hanging out with the countries in Germany's backyard pool.

        You found out that Ludwig and Gilbert found you on a sidewalk, beaten up. Of course everyone asked how you ended up beaten up on a sidewalk, but you just told them you didn't know how.

       Ludwig came out in the backyard with a happy Italy and grumpy looking Romano.

        "Can I please speak to the new girl for a minute?" He asked. You were worried, because you didn't know what was going to happen.

        He sat down in the living room, sighing.

        "Don't sit on the couch. You're already wet." You looked down at your soaking wet clothes. 

        "Anyways, I have something to ask you." He stated. You looked at him with curiosity.

        He looked up at you, and had a stern expression on his face.

        "I vas vondering... Vhy you know all the countries names? You aren't a stalker, are you?" He asked. So it was time to tell him... I guess. Well if he believed me...

        "Ah, well you see... I'm from another.. uh... universe?" It was more like a question rather than an answer. "Honestly, I have no idea how I got here."

        He looked shaken up a bit, but wasn't unfazed. He wasn't laughing either. "So, you're from another universe too?"

        You looked at him with wide eyes. "And no, I'm from this universe. I just happen to know someone who's from another universe."

        You stood there in shock. Someone else from another universe was here too?

        "Who is it?!" You shouted with excitement. Hopefully this person could tell you why you were in this universe!

        Ludwig sighed. "Unfortunately, that person is dead now. She vas human, just like you. But, it vas far too late." You looked at him with shock written all over your face.

        "W-Wha... No! She can't be..." You yelled but then fell to the floor on your knees, crying.

        "She could of helped me figure out how I got here!" You exclaimed.

        Ludwig stood beside you and patted your head. "Even if she did know how she got here, I bet she wouldn't of told you. She... well... didn't care." You looked up at him with confused eyes.

        "She didn't... care? About what?" You asked. You didn't like where this was going, at all.

        "She didn't care about us. She only came here to experiment... on us. It vas sad, really. But then she only started developing feelings for us, however she thought it would change how things vere going to happen in the... anime show, she called it? I don't fully understand it yet, but ve countries hated her for playing vith us. She used us." He stated. 

        No way... why... why would someone do this to them?! They didn't deserve this- what kind of person would do this?

        "It's okay now. Ve're back to the way things use to be anyways. You shouldn't worry. However, there is something that I must ask of you." Ludwig stared at your face for a moment before continuing. 

        "Well, since you don't know much about how you came here, it would be logical that you vouldn't know how to go back either. So, since you're here now, vith us. Vould you like to become one of us?" You just sat there, on the floor, soaking wet, pondering.

        Is this a dream? Am I dreaming again? Will I wake up to the sound of my Mother laughing evilly down at me again? You shook your head to get rid of the thought, and looked up at Ludwig.

        "How could I possibly become one of you? Don't you already have all the countries you need?"

        He only chuckled. "Of course. I'm asking if you vanted to become a new country."

        Well then... you certainly didn't expect that. "A new country? And where would this new country be exactly?" You asked him.

        He only shrugged. "Anywhere you want it to be, I'd only have to ask one of the countries to give you some land, however it won't be that easy... you see, not every country vants a new country to come and take some of their land. So, hopefully you choose wisely,"

        You stared at him for a minute. "So, do you know any good countries I could possibly take land from?"

        "Ah, ves. How about mien country? Vis good country, but I've been meaning to sell some land from East Germany." Your eyes widened again for about the hundredth fucking time. 

        "Y-You mean the part of the country where Prussia use to be?" Ludwig nodded. Wouldn't that mean, I'd technically would become one with Prussia? Oh god... I almost sounded like Russia.

        "U-Uh, sure! But, I wouldn't know what to do..." You scratched the back of your head, nervously.

        "Easy, just don't vanish like Gilbert's country did by doing bad and unnecessary things. Stupid bruder thinks he can do vhatever he vants, and get away with it." He said, but muttered the last part of the sentence. 

        You smiled genuinely for once in your entire life. For once, you thought to yourself that good things were going to happen from now on. A new country... 

        You jumped and squealed like a little girl, freaking Ludwig out. You quickly hugged him and ran into the backyard yelling like a madwoman.

        Everyone stared at you, slightly freaked out. You quickly jumped into the pool, not caring about your clothes. You've already got your clothes wet anyways. Once you resurfaced, you cheered.

        "Yayyyyy!" You cheered. Gilbert stood on the edge of the pool, with a confused expression on his face just like everyone else.

        "Vhy vis you so happy?"  He asked. You stared at him and stuck your tongue out.

        "I'm going to become a country! And the best part is that my land is going to be where Prussia once was!" You cheered happily.

        He looked at you for a moment in surprise, before smirking. "So that means you are becoming one vith Prussia, eh?"

        Your cheeks went red rather quickly, and you stumbled over your words. "U.. Uh... no! I mean... AGH!"

        Before you could say anymore, Gilbert jumped into the pool, making the water splash into your face. Then he resurfaced behind you or so you thought it was him.

        "Gilbert!" You screamed, lunging at him. You couldn't see his face properly. He somehow wrapped his arms around you, and held you close to his chest, just like earlier. You couldn't speak, you were shocked.

        You blushed immensely.

      However, when you looked up, it wasn't Gilbert. It was France again.

        He was smirking. "Ah, you already missed me? I can show you how much I missed you, ohonhonhonhon." He winked at you.

        You screamed and swam out of his arms.

        You splashed water into his face, and screamed. "Stop that, pervert!"

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