Chapter Four

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chapter 4 - almost confession 

          "Hey [f/n]! Wait up!" You heard your name being called, and turn around to see Gilbert running towards you.

        Once he caught up, he kept heavily breathing in and out. "My Gott... You really... are.. fast, aren't.. you?"

        You chuckled. "Not really, I just happened to get out of the meeting faster than you slow pokes."

        He rolled his eyes, and walked beside you.

        It was right after the meeting, that you decided to walk to the hotel instead of taking a car. You just had a lot of things on your mind, because of all the things that have happened in the last week.

        Gilbert was the first to speak up. "So, uh [f/n]... pretty sky don't ya think?"

        You stared up at the sky which was filled with beautiful colors. It was a blooming orange with white traces left within, but the pink stood so far in the midst of clouds, yet it was felt as if it were much more closer to you than you realized.

        You looked back down at Gilbert. He was looking straightforward with his captivating smile. You blushed and looked away. I shouldn't be thinking of him that way... He probably doesn't like me like that...

        "[f/n]? Vhats wrong?" Gilbert asked worriedly.

         You shook him off with a fake smile. He still didn't buy it.

        Gilbert stopped in front of you and he glanced down with a worried expression. "[f/n], I can tell vhen a person is lying. Tell me vhat's wrong."

        You looked away, which made it more obvious that you were bothered by something.

        "[f/n]! Tell me!" You jumped from the sudden outburst.

        You looked straight at him with tears brimming the edge of your eyes.

        "G-Gilbert..." You started crying, and held onto him.

        He looked down in shock, and then he grabbed you pulling you closer to him. He placed his head on top of your [h/c] hair. So it basically looked like he was hugging and cradling you at the same time.

        "I-I'm sorry.. It's okay now, liebe. Please don't cry... " He spoke softly.

        You both stood there for at least five minutes before parting. You looked into his eyes, and he looked into yours.

        "[f/n], there's something I've been meaning to ask you..." 

        "Y-Yes, Gilbert?" You stared at him with hope in your heart. 

        "[f/n] I-" Gilbert was cut off by someone slapping his back, and laughing, and by that someone you meant Francis.

        Behind Francis was Antonio, Ludwig, Romano, and a very happy Feliciano.

        "Hey Gilbert, [f/n]! Didn't expect to find you two here! We were just on our way to the hotel, and we happened to find you!" Francis grinned like a Cheshire cat.

        Gilbert glared at him. "I thought you guys vere using zhe car."

        Romano spoke up, "Someone here-a decided that-a walking would be-a more healthier and-a it would help our-a bodies a lot-a!"

        Ludwig rolled his eyes and crossed his arms defensively. "Romano, everyone knows zat exercising helps you build muscles in your body to help you become more healthy."

        Romano growled and got in Ludwig's face. "Stupid-a potato bastard! I don't-a care! I'm-a healthy anyways! Come, Feli. We're walking-a together."

        Romano grabbed Feliciano's hand and dragged him away towards the direction of the hotel. 

        Antonio and Ludwig and followed soon after, after waving goodbye to us. You looked up at Francis with a face shown with interest. "Francis, don't tell me you did this on purpose." 

        Francis giggled, and said, "Now why would I do that, mon cher?" France wrapped his arm around you looking at you with a smile.

         You felt your spine shiver from the touch. Gilbert grabbed Francis's shoulder intensively, making Francis stop giggling.

        "Francis, leave my girl alone." Gilbert looked deadly for a second before going back to his usual smirk. He let go of Francis.

        "Ah, Gilbert. It wasn't like I was going to ask her to just have sex with me. I mean, of course she would love to.
Who wouldn't want me?" Francis flipped his hair back, and giggled again while holding a rose.

        You just stared at the scene before you wondering what the hell was going on. Gilbert hugged Francis and walked towards you. Wait, what-

        He grabbed your hand and dragged  you away from a chuckling Francis. "Later, Francis! See va at the bar!"

        Francis nodded and turned the other way, before winking at you.

        Well then.

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