Chapter One

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chapter 1 - what the hell is going on?!

        "Do you think that when she wakes up that she will scream and run out of the room?" You heard a voice ask.

        You heard a chuckle. "Of course not, because once she sees how sexy I am, she'll be all over me, Ohonhonhon."
        That was one very strange laugh, you had to admit. Opening your eyes, you were slowly adjusting to your surroundings.

        "Ahh, she's awake! Let's go tell, Ludwig and Gilbert!" You looked up at the voice to see a chocolate haired guy with green eyes staring down at you.

        Next to him was a guy with glorious blond hair that reached his shoulders, but in a sexy way and he had blue eyes. 

        You just sat there staring at the both of them in disbelief. The brown haired guy waved at you and spoke, "Hola! Name's Antonio, nice to meet ya! And this one over here is-"

        You cut him off in mid sentence. "Francis Bonnefoy! Oh... Oh... Oh my god!" You squealed and you fell off the bed.

        Once you hit the floor, you were in a bundle of covers. You felt and looked like a caterpillar. Antonio tried his hardest not to laugh, but did anyway. 

        You were squirming to get out of the bundle of random sheets, but to no prevail you couldn't. "A-Ah, help me please!" You shouted.

        Francis gave you a face showed with interest. "I have a deal for you, mon cher. You tell me how you knew my name and I might get you out of those sheets," He smirked.

        You stared in horror, and squirmed even harder.

        You pouted and stood on your knees covered in the sheets. "Hmph." Was all you said before knee-walking to the door, but before you could open it, (Well try to open it) it opened.

         There stood an angry blond haired guy with blue eyes, and a smirking white haired, red eyed devil.

        They both stared at you before balling into a fistful of laughter. You stared at them with the angriest face you could imagine.

         "Grr!" You growled, before falling to floor on your face.

        The laughter erupted once again. "AH WHAT THE FUCK! SOMEONE GET ME OUT OF THIIIIS!" You shouted with your face to the floor.

        The laughter stopped and you felt a strong pair of arms wrap around you and unwrap the sheets. Once you were out of them, you looked up at your savior.

        Gilbert was next to you, smiling like an idiot, before smirking again. "Don't vorry, zhe awesome Prussia saved zhe day!" He shouted and stood up, in an effort to look cool.

        Then,  Ludwig slapped the back of his head. Gilbert glared at him.

        "Ow, what was that for?!" He growled in pain for a couple seconds before turning back into his regular awesome self. 

        "Just you being egotistical, bruder." Ludwig replied. Then he looked at you, and smiled. 

        "Hello, my  name is-"

        "Ludwig." You cut him off as well, just like Spain. Ludwig's eyes went wide for a second. He stared in utter shock. 

        You just stood there for a couple minutes with everyone in complete silence. That was before you chuckled. "How could I not know your guys names? I know all the countries names!" 

        Hopefully I'm not too suspicious. Well.. maybe I am already

Everyone just stared at you before Italy ran inside the room, crying. He held onto Ludwig's shirt and cried. "Germany! Romano stole my pasta!"

        Ludwig stood there, with a disgruntled face expression before petting Italy's head and soothing him.

         "It's... It's alright, I'll go buy you some more pasta." Italy looked up at him with a brightened smile and hugged him. 

        "Ah, thank you Germany!" He squealed before letting go. He looked around with a confused expression, then he saw you.

        "Ah, Germany who is that?" He pointed at you.

        "E-Eh..." You stood there with a faceless expression. You didn't want him to freak out or anything like that. "I'm..." 

        All of a sudden the room got intense. They were all looking at you, and you stood there nervously. You didn't know what to say, because a lot of hot guys on one room were staring at you. 

        I mean come on! Just look at them! They were your long life favorite anime characters from your favorite anime. 

        However, at times like this, you don't know what to say.

      "I'm [f/n] [l/n].." You awkwardly state.

        Gilbert suddenly appeared behind you and picked you up over his shoulder.

        "You are very cute! Come, ve are having a party!" Then he walked downstairs, into the backyard with you on his shoulder because he decided it was a good idea to pick you up out of nowhere!

        There was a huge pool, a patio, and the hot sun staring down. You kept punching his back in frustration.

        When he stepped outback with you on his back, the last thing you expected to see were a lot of cute guys in bathing suits. They all stopped doing what they were doing and stared at you.

        "I vill teach you how awesome I am~" He cooed at you. He walked towards the pool grinning like a madman.

        You had a horrified expression on your face.

        "Please don't! I'll call you awesome every day if you don't make me go into the pool!" Then he stopped in front of the pool. Everyone was staring with either knowing smirks, or shocked expressions. 

        "Hmm..." Gilbert tugged his chin as if he were interested.

        You almost believed for a second he would consider your offer, but then...

        "NAH!" He screamed and ran into the pool with you. You felt him fall apart from you under the water, but he held you close by grabbing your waist and pulling you closer to him.

        When you both resurfaced, everyone seemingly went back to what they were doing.

        "Ah, my god! It's so cold!" You exclaimed.

        You felt his arms and pull you closer to his chest. "It's okay, I'll warm you up. You could of sworn you have blushed a thousand different shades of red.

        You looked up at Gilbert, to find him smiling down at you.

        "Ah, best not to do that... I just met you." Then he went back to smirking.

        "So? I know when I see a very awesome person, especially a very beautiful one." Your eyes widened.

        You laughed awkwardly and separated from him, dragging yourself out of the pool. You looked down to see your long sleeved white shirt, and black skinny jeans were wet. Very.

        You felt arms wrap around you again, and you blushed. Then a certain french voice made you stop, and make your eyes widen in fear.

        "Ohonhonhonhon, what's a beau fille like you doing out here all alone?" France whispered in your ear.

        You screamed and ran out of his arms, and fell back into the pool. Once your resurfaced you glared at Francis.

        You screamed, "Pervert!"

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