Chapter Nine

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chapter 9 - nightmare

"[f/n]... You can't hide from me any longer... I'm going tie you up, torture you in many different ways then burn you down to hell because you're just another mistake in this world..."

It was your mom's voice.

You remember going to sleep earlier, at Ludwig's place.

 But when you woke up, you were hanging from your wrists and the place you were in looked like a basement...

There was a light bulb in the middle of the room, and it was turned on. You looked around, swinging from your wrists, scared. A lot of weapons were hanging on the wall next to you, some with blood on them.

Your eyes widened in fear. Where were you?!

"[f/n]... I missed you. You ran from me... but don't worry.. Now I can kill you.." You heard the voice come from behind you, and it definitely sounded just like your mom.

Your eyes widened even further if it was possible.

"M-Mom..." You croaked out. Tears were spilling out the edge of your eyes, and you were struggling to get out of the rope.

Your mom chuckled evilly, and showed herself. She had an axe in her left hand, and it had blood on it.

"[f/n].... [f/n].... [f/n]..." She kept repeating your name with a murderous smile on her face.

"N-No! No! M-Mom! P-Please!" You yelled, but she ignored it, inching closer to you. Blood dripped off the axe onto the floor, spilling more with each step she took towards you.

Then your mom held the axe closer to her face and licked off the blood with a sickening grin plastered on her face.

"Hmm.. I bet your blood taste better than my last victim... want to taste~?"

Your panting quickly stopped, as you hitched your breath when your mom closed the space between the both of you.

Her axe's edge was cutting into the side of your face, and it drew blood. You squeaked, as she licked the blood off your face.

"So... So thirsty!" She screeched, raising the axe, with the crazy smile on her face.

You quickly closed your eyes, but the hit never came. You open your eyes and you were sitting up in your bed in Ludwig's house.

Sweat was coming down your forehead, as you looked around with a scared expression on your face. Tears were coming down your red cheeks.


The door to your room slammed open, and Gilbert walked in with a bat. "Alright, vhere is the intruder?!"

You looked at him, shaking a little. He finally realized there was no intruder, and ran to your side, putting down the bat beside the bed. He had a worried expression on his face, and hugged you to his chest.

He rubbed your back, trying to get you to calm down. "Shh.. it's alright, [f/n]. Please don't cry.. I don't like seeing you cry, or else you vill make me cry and that's not awesome~"

You chuckled a little, leaning back from his chest and staring up at his red eyes. "Thank you, Gilbert for worrying about me... but you don't need to. I'll be alright by myself.. I always have been.."

You lowered your head with a tears threatening to spill. He lifted your chin, to look up at his angry expression until if softened.

"[f/n], you shouldn't be thinking of yourself this vay. You're the most awesomest girl I've ever met. Everything about you, is perfect. Vithout you, I vouldn't be so awesome... So how could I ever leave you? I'll be vith you no matter vhat. Okay?"

A sad smile appeared on your face, and you leaned up kissing him softly on the lips, before pulling back at his shocked reaction. Even you were shocked that you did something out of nowhere.

 Then he smirked, bringing his head down and kissing you back passionately on the mouth.

What would I ever do without you, Gilbert?

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