Chapter 17

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A/N: Last chapter ya'll, and the sequel, which I am yet to come up with a name for, so please, please, please if you have any good idea's for a story title let me know, now I'm gonna let you all read the sad, angsty chapter. Enjoy.

It had been an hour since Clementine had left to go into the dorms, she hadn't come out to eat either which made Violet worried, she thought maybe she fell asleep so she was going to go check on her. What Violet didn't expect to see when she entered Clementine's room was her bag on the bed, most of her belongings gone, in the bag she presumes. Clementine was sitting on the bed staring at her hands, clearly thinking about something, when she heard the door open her head snapped up, eyes locking with Violets wide, shocked ones.

"Vi..violet, wha...what are you doing here?" Clementine stammered out, eyes wide in shock and mouth going dry.

Violet didn't reply, instead, she slowly looked around the room, taking in how empty it looked now. Clementine's nick knacks were still on the shelves and on the walls but some of her stuff was just...gone.

"What's all of this?" Violet asked quietly, not really wanting to know the answer. 

"Violet, I can explain." Clementine started, getting up off the bed from where she was sitting and standing with her hands in front of her.

Violet suddenly was enraged by this, realizing what Clementine was doing, "Your fucking leaving?!" Violet shouted at her, she knew she'd regret screaming in a few hours, but right now she didn't really care.

Clementine stood there like a deer caught in the headlights, she was going to tell Violet and everyone else, she just wasn't sure how she would have done it.

Seeing that Clementine wasn't going to answer her Violet turned and walked out of the room, you could tell she was angry by the way she was walking, scratch that, it wasn't walking it was stomping. Violet was pissed and you didn't need to be a genius to figure it out.

"Violet?! Violet, wait!" Clementine yelled after her, but Violet didn't stop, eventually, Clementine started to chase after her, but again Violet wouldn't stop. When Violet finally did stop it was due to Clementine grabbing her wrist, they were in the courtyard by now and when Violet and Clementine burst out of the dorms they caught every ones attention.

"What Clementine, what do you need to tell me, that you're sorry, that it isn't true!?" Violet whirled around and yelled, shocking everyone, even herself.

"No, I'm going to explain to you, why," Clementine shouted back.

"Oooo, girl fight," Louis called out, causing Violet and Clementine to glare daggers at him, he shrunk under their gaze.

Turning her attention back to Clementine, Violet spoke, "Explain what to me, that you're going to leave because you can't see that you're being stupid and blaming yourself for every little bad thing that happens?" Violet spoke with a trace of venom in her voice, but Clementine didn't back down.

"No, I'm going to explain why I'm leaving and why I blame myself for every little bad thing that happens." Clementine matched the venom in Violet's voice.

"Then go on, tell me, please." Violet sneered out.

It was silent for a beat before Clementine turned around and spoke with a shaky voice."My whole life...I've gotten people killed, it was either they died for me or I made a decision that cost their life....." She paused, collecting her thoughts before continuing," I don't want to be the cause of any of you getting killed...and I know that...that if I stay.....I will." After she said that she slowly turned around and then continued, mainly speaking to Violet." You remember that guy Lee I told you about, right?" Clementine asked with a cold tone, Violet nodded slowly, waiting for her to continue.

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