Chapter 3

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"I'm sorry AJ", Clementine muttered so only she could hear. She didn't want to believe it, she didn't want to believe AJ was dead. "I was supposed to protect you....and I failed". She blamed herself for his death, thinking that she could have stopped it somehow. In reality, she couldn't have stopped AJ from dying.

She finally pulled herself together and got up still sniffling. She took off her jacket slowly and put it over his head knowing full well that everyone could see the brand that she got from joining the 'New Front Tier', but she didn't care all she cared about was in that moment was AJ and making sure he got a proper burial. 

"Come on, we have to get moving before more walkers show up", Clementine said while moving past all of them, though it wasn't her normal calm, soothing voice, no it was a very monotone, cold voice.

That voice scared violet more than she was letting on. She knew that the next few weeks we're going to be hard for Clementine and she planned on being there for her during all of it.

"Someone carry AJ so we can bury him when we get back to the school", Violet told them and then caught up with Clem. Once she was beside her she grabbed her hand and gave it a small squeeze. That small squeeze was enough to get Clem to look at her. She gave her a small forced smile and gave Violets hand a squeeze back.

"I know right now probably is a bad time but, do you have any idea what you wanna do with Minerva?", Violet asked quietly, trying to get her mind off of AJ's death.

"No, not yet", she replies dryly. "But we can figure it out when we get back to the school. 

"Okay, and Clem?", Vi asks her.


"If you need a shoulder to cry on or something you know I'm here for you no matter what happens, right?", Violet says every word with love in it. Shes not sure if she loves Clem or not she knows she cares a huge amount about her, but she wouldn't call it love, little did she know.

"Thanks, Violet, really it means a lot", Clem says and gives her a small, genuine smile.


Once they were back at the school they started digging the hole for AJ in the graveyard. Minerva was in the basement, still tied up, in the same place that Abel was when they interrogated him. 

Everyone was currently getting ready for AJ's funeral. Everyone knew this was going to be a hard one, especially for Clem but they were going to hold it together for her, knowing that they only had each other for years. Clementine was a mess, sitting in her room on her bed under the covers. She had dried tears on her cheeks and an empty expression on her face.

She couldn't understand how this could happen, she was so careful with the plan, she didn't think anyone was going to get killed, except for maybe a few raiders, she never meant for AJ or anyone else to get killed, (even though no one else did). This is all my fault she told her self over and over again, thinking about it again brought tears to her eyes, but she couldn't cry she wouldn't not anymore, she knows that AJ wouldn't want her to be sad so she resist the urge to cry. 

Suddenly there's a knock on the door snapping her out of her thoughts."Come in", she says loud enough for the person on the other side to hear."Hey", it's Violet, she can tell without even needing to look. "I came to get you for the funeral," she says softly. 

"Yeah, okay" she replies sadly. Violet comes over to her and sits on the bed with her, she puts her arm around her shoulder and that's when Clem losses it again, she turns wrapping her arm around Violet's waist and crying into her shoulder. Violets, not the least bit shocked, seeing the facial expression Clem had on when she entered. She wraps her arms around Clementine and lets her cry, rocking them back and forth slightly, kissing her head every once and a while and whispering comforting things in her ear.

Once they pull apart Clementine pulls herself together and thanks, Violet. "We should get going now", Violet says quietly.

"Yeah, yeah we should". And with that, they walk out of the room hand I hand and head out to the courtyard.

A/N: How you enjoyed this chapter 

And I might update later today or tomorrow

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