Chapter 7

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A/N: I'm am starting it off during the conversation that they were having last time.

"Yes, really."Clementine replied, she didn't know what came over her, shes never admitted something like that, but Violet makes her feel and do things that she hasn't felt or done before, and honestly it kind of scares her. 

It was silent for a little while before there was a knock on the door, signifying that someone was o  the other side. "Come in", Violet called out loud enough for whoever was on the other side. Louis walked in looking kind of nervous," everyone was talking and.. we still need to figure out what to do with Minne", he finished looking kind of pleading that Vi or Clem deal with it.

"I'll deal with it", Clementine offered softly, knowing that no one wanted to see their old friend how she is now.

"You sure that's a good idea Clem, i mean you aren't exactly in the best mental state at the moment..." Violet said quietly, not wanting to possibly upset Clem.

"I'll me fine Vi, i've done worse." She replied, giving her a small, reassuring smile. She knew that she wasn't going to kill Minne, but she knew she was going to be doing something to get rid of her.

"O-okay", violet responded,"if your sure then, okay", she finished, giving a glance to Louis in the door way, who had a little goofy grin on his face, seeing how Violet was trying to be subtle on the fact that her and Clem were just fucking cuddling. He knew all to well that they were together, but he wasn't going to out them. He figures, he may be an ass sometimes but he has a heart and a brain. He knows that Violet is still self conscious about being gay so he knows that if he did that, he'd likely lose her trust. When she first got there she tried to hide it the best she could, but eventually she was caught, making out with Minne one after noon. Louis had been the one who caught them and he screeched with not only horror that he had seen his best friend making out with his other friend, but also because he secretly shipped them.

"Shes still in the basement, right?", Clem asked Louis, who nodded his head 'yes' and moved out of the way for her.

"Alright, i'll see you guys down there, right?", Clem asked both of them this time and they both nodded their heads 'yes', letting her go and get ready to talk to her.


They were in the basement now standing in front of Minervia, who was in the same spot Abel was when they  interrogated him. When Clem thought back to that day, she shudder a little remembering what AJ had told her about people eyes, walker eyes and people eyes right before you kill them. Clementine was starting to second guess herself with her the things she taught AJ. But that didn't matter now, she told herself, AJs dead.

"What do you want , Clementine?", Minervia asked her, already sounding borded.

"We came to figure out what to do with you", Clementine asked, matching her borded tone. She did want to do this, she just didn't want Minervia to know.

"Wheres the little squirt?", Minervia asked with a cocky smirk, knowing full well that he AJ was dead.

Clementine froze what she was doing, and if looks could kill Minervia would be dead right now, unmoving and cold. She had to restrain herself from punching her, knowing that she was just trying to get under her skin, which, with the state shes in now may not be all that hard.

"Shut up", Clementine growled lowly, trying not to sound sad as she remembered the horrible death of her little goofball.

"Oh, wait that's right, he's dead, you know, if you didn't try to save your friends then maybe, just maybe, he'd still be alive. He's not though, shame really, he had a lot of potential", just as she finished what she was saying, a clenched, angry fist collide with her face, nearly knocking her and the chair over.

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