Chapter 5

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After the funeral all the kids except for Clementine were sat around on one of the couches, Clem said she would join them in a minute, that she just needed a few minutes alone. They all knew that this was going to be a long road to recovery for Clementine, they knew she was in pain and they knew that this was going to be one hell of a week.

"Do you think she's going to be okay?", Ruby asked n a hushed voice so Clem wouldn't hear her. 

"What do you think Ruby? she just lost someone shes had with her for years, of course, she isn't okay", Violet whisper yells back to her. Ruby, wide-eyed, holds her hands up as if she has a gun pointed at her.

"Sorry, I was just tryna' make conversation", she says in her defense. She felt bad for Clem, she'd never lost anyone that close to her but she has lost people and she knew it as hard, she just wanted to know how she would be in the future. They all wanted their strong, stubborn leader back.

They all went silent as Clementine walked back over to them, offering them a small smile, she had heard all of them and she was glad that she had people that cared that much about her. Ruby had a point though, no one knew if she was going to be okay, hell even she didn't. The last time she had lost AJ he wasn't actually dead, but this time, this time he was and she didn't know how to feel about it.

"Who's up for a game of war?", Louis asked them enthusiastically, with his signature grin on his face. There was a collective sigh from the group and they all said yes.


"Alright first round", Louis said, in his normal enthusiastic voice. They all flipped their cards and, as always, Louis won."I am the best card player of all time", he says slightly smug."Alright, Clem, I'm gonna ask you again, what is that mark on your arm from?", he asked for what seemed to be the hundredth time.

"It's a mistake", she answered him quietly, she then continued." A few years ago, I think I was 13 or 14, it was just me and...and AJ, he was probably around 2 or 3, we didn't have much, only a knife and a gun with a couple of bullets. One night we were in this old shed waiting for a hoard to pass by, then we heard this banging and a voice outside of the door that I had barricaded, obviously, I had helped them, it was girl maybe in her early twenties, her name was Ava, she was part of a group. The group was called 'The New Frontier', and well, considering the state we were in, we joined them". They all listened intently, interested in the story she had to tell.

"But you said it was a mistake?", Louis said in a very confused voice, his face matched his voice.

Clem chuckled," You didn't let me finish", she told him before continuing her story."Anyone who joined always got branded, I didn't want to do it, but I didn't really have a choice. So yeah that's how this happened.....", she trailed off as she lifted up the sleeve of her jacket. It had been so long since she looked at it, she almost forgot what t looked like.

"But why was it a mistake, if you don't mind me asking?", this time it was Violet asking the question everyone was wondering.

"About a month or so after we had joined, I was kicked out of the came.....for...for stealing." She told them quietly."Before you say anything I had my reasons, A-...AJ had gotten really sick during the time we were there, they had the right medicine to help him but......they refused to, s-saying that it could be used to help someone....someone who-who was actually useful, who could..could protect everyone and themselves". She paused when she felt Violet grab her hand and give it a squeeze. She looked at her and smiled a genuine smile at her and squeezed her hand back.

"So, me being as stubborn as I am stole the medicine that could help him, was an injection, not a syrup or something. Gave it to him and him being so little...he cried, alerting everyone in the camp. That night, David, the leader of the camp kicked me out and-and.....took AJ away from me, we were split up for almost a year until I found him a couple of years ago.", she finished looking down and remembering the all the pain and suffering that her and AJ went through.

"God...Clem that's..that's horrible, I had no idea", Violet was the first to speak up pulling her into a side hug and ignoring the stare she got from Louis who was clearly shocked from Violet's actions. No one actually had any idea they were dating, which was shocking considering they didn't try to hide it, like at all.

"Yeah, I was pretty fucked up afterward", Clem said quietly, trying not to get another question like that thrown at her. But unfortunately, she wasn't that lucky.

"How so?", Louis questioned.

"If I tell you you'd probably not trust me again", Clementine replied. She really didn't want to tell them that she was basically a fucking bandit.

"Who you were a few years ago doesn't matter now", Lou said with a reassuring smile. She sighed and then remembered something.

"Well I would tell you but you kinda already asked your question." She said trying anything to get out of having to answer him.

He just shook his head with a small smile. "Fine, but next time you lose someone is going to ask." He said slightly cocky.

"No their not because the rest of us aren't so insensitive as you," Violet spoke up, feeling protective of Clementine's privacy.

Louis had a blank expression on his face before it broke into a massive grin. He had realized what was going on and he was about to do something he would regret."I KNEW IT", he screeched out into the courtyard getting up and doing some weird ass dance. 

Everyone was very confused until he spoke." I knew it, you to...?", he trailed off with a knowing smirk on his face.

"Knew what?", Omar question, utterly confused as to why Louis's mood had suddenly changed.

"Oh, nothing, nothing at all, you'll find out sooner or later". He spoke with a giant ass smirk on his face, Clementine and Violet were glaring at him, daring him to continue.

'Don't you dare', Violet mouthed to him in a threatening manner. She was so going to tease him later because she knew something nobody else did.

"Well I'm going to bed, so I'll see you in the morning", Clementine said as she got up.

"Yeah I'm gonna go to bed too, night", Violet said and got up as well.

And with that they walked into the dorms, eventually grabbing each other's hands and walking to Violets room.

A/N: longer chapter than normal, hope you all enjoyed.

Vote comment all that good shit and we will see if I update later today.


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