Chapter 1

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Smoke. Smoke is the first thing she notices. Her head pounding and her ears ringing, she finally opens her eyes and the first thing she sees is James crouched beside her, worry covering his face. 

"Clementine", he says concerned, but to Clementine, it just sounds muffled. James keeps calling her name over and over but she can't focus her main focus is finding out if AJ is safe. She turns her head to try and see him her eyes scanning over where he was but she can't see him, instantly she's worried but she is snapped out of her dazed gaze to where AJ was by James calling her name again but this time more clear. 

"Clementine can you hear me?", he says once again in a very concerned manner.

"Wheres AJ?!", she asks once she can hear properly again, she sits up a little but instantly regrets it as a sharp pain travels up her back, she cries out in pain and James is by her side again within seconds.

"I don't know", he says sounding sorry, "I couldn't see him after the explosion", Clementine is instantly worried by the news of not knowing where her boy is but is interrupted by a familiar voice calling out her name.

"Clementine!?" It's Violet's voice.

"Over here", she shouts back as she once again tries to sit up and this time succeeds in doing so. Violet runs over to them and the site of Clem being safe makes her concerned expression instantly drop into a more relived one as she makes her way over to where James and Clem are.

"Hey, you guys okay?", she asks obviously concerned.

"Yeah, but we can't find AJ", Clem tells her almost brought to tears remembering all the pain she went through when David had kicked her out of the camp and taken AJ from her.

Violet must have noticed because she put her hand of Clem's shoulder and pulls her into a hug, it's a quick hug but there are a lot of emotions put into it,"We gotta get the hell outta here, this boat is going to start sinking anytime soon", she says after they pull away.

"And I agree but first I need to find AJ," Clementine says in a very determined voice. 

"Clem we don't have time, look I want to find him too but the boat is already sinking we don't have time", Violet says just as stubborn as Clem.

"Can we figure this out later we need to get outta here", James butt's into their little argument that was breaking out.

"Fine but we are going to find him later", Clem says slightly agitated.

"Alright come on we'll help you up", says violet says, James helps Violet pull Clementine up off of the floor, which was harder than expected considering Clementine's whole body was aching. 

"Shit how fucking hard did I hit that wall", Clementine says clearly in pain. She can't remember that much of what happened all she remembers is running to try and get to AJ, who was only a few feet away but being too late as the bomb went off and sent her and anyone else near it flying.

"Where are the others?", Clem asks worriedly for the safety of the others.

"While you were unconscious sent Tenn to go see if the others were alright", James says" He didn't come back up so I assume that he met up with you guys and got out like the rest of them, right?", he asks Violet.

"Yeah, he came down to where I was and I told him to go with everyone else." She says back.

"What..uh want happened with Minerva?", Clem asks  Violet slightly hesitating, knowing that it's a touchy subject.

"She's alive, Tenn helped here get out and I told Aasim to tie her up once they get out so she doesn't do anything, but we're not sure what to do with her so it's your call", Violet informs them.

"Okay well we can figure that out later", Clem ends the conversation.

They are almost to the stairs, they would have been there quicker if not for having to climb over all the debris, but they eventually make it down the stairs and through all the hallways. It was getting pretty smoke filled in the boat and they were all coughing a lot until they saw the door a heard what sounded like Louis (pretend he didn't get his tongue cut out) yelling that he sees them.

"There I see them!", he shouts to the others that are there, which include, Ruby, Aasim, Tenn, Minerva who is tied up like Violet said she would be, and Willy. Clementine becomes worried when she sees that AJ is not with them.

"We weren't sure if you were going to come out of there.", Louis says with a grateful smile on his face.

"Wheres AJ?", Clementine asks again even more worried than last time she asked James when they were on the deck.

"I thought he was with you?" Louis, says utterly confused and worried but that question is soon answered as Clem sees something out of the corner of her eye, she turns and her face pales and she feels weak in the knees.

There, stood AJ dripping wet and slightly bloody walking out of the water, but the thing that made Clementine sacred was that there were more walkers behind him but they weren't trying to get him they were trying to get Clem and the others.

That's when she realized what was wrong.

Why the walkers weren't attacking him.

Why he wasn't running over to them.

AJ was a walker.

AJ was dead.

A/N: It actually pained me to right this, i am crying right now. Now i know a lot of you are like 'What the actual fuck you monster' but this is my story my decisions and no i do NOT hate AJ, in fact he's one of my favorite character that's why it hurt some much for me to write this.

Anyways this is my first fanfic and as it says in the description i'm not good with punctuation or spelling, feel free to point out any mistakes and i will try my best to improve on them. See you next chapter don't know when i'll update next but i will try for sometime this week.

Have i good night/day


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