Chapter 20

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“ People who are having sex
with children are not johns and tricks.
They are child rapists
and pedophiles,
so we should call them what they are.  ”
~ Jada Pinkett Smith

Kabe walked away from Lizzy praying that John would not do anything to her.  He knew that although giving her a name tag should essentially keep her safe he knew these were dishonest and untrustworthy men hence their reason for being in this business in the first place.

As he headed to Chantal's room he looked for places that he could easily hide a camera that would be able to take videos and voice recordings of everything without being visible.  Mentally he noted such spots being careful not to leave any paper trails in case this was to blow up.

Stopping at Chantal's door he raised his hand to knock but decided against it praying that he would not barge into a scene like Lizzy's.

Slowly opening the door he heard a rushed Shh and rustling.

Stepping in he saw Chantal sitting on her bed with a guilty look on her face but as soon as she saw that it was Kabe, her face spread into a smile.  Before Kabe could ask about the noise he heard,  Chantal raised a finger to her lip then pointed to under the bed.

Getting the message Kabe put on his act.

"What was that noise?"

Chantal pretending to be scared didn't respond.

"You know,  I don't like to repeat myself," Kabe said folding his hand behind him and then walking over to Chantal.

Grabbing onto her shoulder he gently pulled her close to his face but Chantal didn't need to pretend,  she was scared and let out a sequel.

"I don't know what you're talking about," she said in a quivering voice.

"So you're telling me if I were to look under your bed at this moment I wouldn't see anyone under here?"

Chantal stopped breathing. 

"Was he acting anymore or had this all been a ruse to see if I could be still be trusted by Sam. "

Not responding because she wasn't planning on giving away Mishti she just stared at Kabe.

"Well then since you can't say,  I'll just have to do this the hard way.  Hmmm?"

Slowly Kabe bent and looked under the bed morphing his face into a deadly,  unforgiving look.

"Get out!" he growled into the girl's face.

In a rush,  Mishti pushed herself out and stood quivering in fear.

"Is this your room?" Bob said in a low chillingly cold voice.

"No-no sir."

"So what are you doing in here?" he questioned in that same voice.

"No-nothing Sir," Mishti responded fear evident in her voice.

"Nothing huh?" Bob said in a sarcastic tone,  "Okay how about after I count to three you tell me what you are doing in here and if you don't let's just count off all the fun times I can have with you.  Okay sweet cheeks?" Bob said in mock endearment.

He walked slowly over to her as if he were the prey and she the predator.  For each step he took she took another back until her back had hit the wall.

Having her backed into a corner,  Bob smiled wickedly.  Lifting his hand,  Mishti flinched, tightening her face in preparation for the slap she was sure was definitely going to sting.  But it didn't come instead she felt a hand rubbing along her cheek and then lifting her chin up.  She gasped in surprise as she looked at the man in front of her.

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