Chapter 8

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"No one is so brave that he is not disturbed
by something unexpected."
~ Julius Caesar

Saturday. The day Kabe hated the most.

"Got to do groceries, wash my clothes, clean my house… ugh! Can't a man just sleep in on Saturday!" Kabe wailed while rolling in bed.



He got up from the ground rubbing his back vigorously.

"Talk about falling out of bed," he grumbled to himself.

He started heading towards his door to head to the kitchen but then fell flat on his face from tripping on the sheet around his feet.

"Great! I think I'll just stay here for the day," he said lying face down on the ground. He looked up at his closed door.

LAZY CLUMSY OAFA post - it note read.

"You have got to be kidding me Carter !" Kabe groaned.

He pushed himself off the ground and continued on his journey to the kitchen. He quickly made some breakfast then showered and headed out the door to do some shopping.

"Hey Liz," Kabe started on his phone when she had picked up.

"No I'm not doing shopping with you," she deadpanned through the speakers phone.

"Oh come on man…"

"Na a, stop right there, I'm not a man for your info," she interrupted him.


"Grow up dude, you're twenty-one for Pete's sake and you still need mummy to do the shopping for you," Lizzy mocked him, "Don't thing I have a life too dad? I've got places to go, friends to meet up with and pretty much want to live my life before I turn grumpy as you," she continued to mock him.

"Hey watch it!" Kabe shouted through his window.

"Driving and talking on the phone… again," Lizzy said as if expecting nothing less.

"No I'm not," he defended himself.


"Doesn't sound so though unless you are some how walking so fast that so much breeze is blowing through your phone and doing so in the middle of the road."

"Whatever. I hate you!"

"Love you too. Bye!" she chirped while giggling.


Instead he got a dead line.

"Uggh!! Girls and their lives!"

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