Chapter 11

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"Our lives begin to end the day we become
silent about things that matter."
~ Martin Luther King Jr.

Bob held on to her wrist and pulled her through the doors of the house.

As the cool night breeze slapped Chantal's face it was as if her spirit and voice just caught up with her body.

"I thought you were just a photographer!" she screamed at him. This just made him pull harder on her hand.

"Where are you taking me!" she screamed even louder.

"Put this on," Bob said in a low, commanding voice to Chantal. He had thrown her a pitch black blind fold.

Chantal immediately complied losing the short burst of bravery she had moments ago. She quickly tied the blind fold over her eyes.

"Get in," Bob said while pushing her to the open door to the backseat of the car.

As if some determination was on reserve she asked, "How am I to get in and I can't see bafoon!"

At that she felt her side smashed onto a hard surface. She held her hands out to grab on to something to steady herself. She felt and cold hard surface and held on to it tightly as if her very life depended on it.

"Exactly! You are going to search and feel your way around!" Bob growled at her.

After some fumbling around, trying to get into the car, Bob slammed the door and quickly walked around to the driver's side. He backed out from the front of the house slowly and as soon as the wheels touched the asphalt, he quickly swerved the car in a U and headed down the road.

As the car swerved around other vehicles, Chantal fell to the ground and bumped her head.

Bob made another swerve turning down an intersection and a camera stand that was on the seat beside her fell on top of her head.

Black spots started to appear in her vision.

"God save me," she whispered quietly as darkness took over the little light left in her.


Chantal slowly opened her eyes to see sunlight streaming through the green curtains at a window. Her memory of last night slowly came back. At that she quickly got up only to fall on the ground.

She looked up to find that she had fallen from a couch that she had apparently slept on. She held on to the seat of the couch and helped herself up. When she rose from the ground she held on to her head, as it felt as if it was swimming.

After she was steadied, she heard some mumbling coming from a closed door. Curious she walked towards the sound. As she approached, it sounded like two voices - two male voices arguing. Without thinking twice she pushed the door open.

She looked in and saw a counter in the center, a stove with some pots hanging over it and a silver sink. She then looked towards the back and saw Bob from last night and the man that had not wanted her picture taken staring at her.

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