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"Jungkook-ah!" Taehyung knocked on Jungkook's door a few times before opening it a crack. "Please respond to the group-chat with Sejin-hyung."

Jungkook groaned into his pillow.

"Quickly, Jungkookie. You have a schedule." Taehyung grinned as Jungkook weakly kicked at his blankets in frustration. Only after he heard Taehyung walk away did Jungkook start to move again.

Sighing, Jungkook sat up and wrapped his covers around his shoulders. He grabbed his phone off the charger and grumpily opened the group-chat.

Jungkook has a vocal recording at 11:30 AM. I'll bring you out for lunch right after. Please be ready for 11:00 AM. Taehyung's...

Jungkook stopped reading to put his phone back down and rub his hands over his face. He stalled another moment before checking the time. He had about two hours before he had to be ready, so he had more than enough time to eat breakfast.

Slowly, Jungkook made his way to the kitchen, now clad in one of his comfy white shirts and the boxers he had slept in. A few of his hyungs — Hoseok, Taehyung, and Seokjin — were sitting at the table eating their own breakfast, occupied with their phones, but they all mumbled a soft, "Good morning," as Jungkook walked in.

The youngest rubbed his eyes again. For some reason, they still felt heavy despite him being fully awake now. He kept rubbing his curled fist against one of his eyes while he grabbed a bowl from the cabinet. Jungkook fumbled with it, tried to reach out with his other hand to catch it, but he was too late. He gasped just before it shattered by his feet and the way his head and stomach swooped at the sight made him feel jittery.

"Oh!" Seokjin and Hoseok both stood to come to his aid while Taehyung watched, frozen in his seat. Jungkook stared down at the mess, blinking away his confusion of the sudden tingling in his body.

"Baby," Seokjin chided gently. He pulled Jungkook away from the ceramic to make sure he didn't cut his bare feet. Hoseok began sweeping it all up with a dustpan. "What happened, love?"

Jungkook furrowed his brow. "Slipped."

Seokjin's eyes widened briefly. Jungkook caught it and quickly shook his head.

"Not me! Bowl. The bowl slipped."

Seokjin let out a quiet sigh. "Okay. 'Cause I know you have a schedule..." He shook his head as well and smiled, putting a hand through Jungkook's beshead. "It's alright, bunny. It's just a bowl."

Jungkook huffed and rolled his shoulders, still not proud of what he had done.

Seokjin chuckled. "You looked so stunned when it fell. Like, spooked. Just like the bunny you are." Seokjin pressed a few kisses to Jungkook's cheeks, which made him giggle.

"Sit down, guys," Hoseok said, a happy lilt in his voice. All the shards had been swept away like it had never happened. "I'll get you some breakfast, Jungkookie. Don't worry about it."

The youngest smiled gratefully as Seokjin led him to his seat, which was directly next to his older boyfriend. He sighed happily, closing his eyes once again to try and rid the heavy feeling, but it stayed. He just shook it off, then hummed when Hoseok placed his food in front of him, thanking his hyung before digging in.

Jungkook was giving up. He couldn't get the underlying feeling of regression out from under his skin. Whenever his mind started to wander off of whatever he was currently doing, the tingling would settle back into his arms and legs and his stomach would begin to warm. He grumpily tried to ignore it, but it just wouldn't quit.

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