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Jungkook giggled as he stuck his hands into the bowl filled with cookie batter. He pulled his hands out, now covered in the sticky mess, and waved them in front of his face before bringing them to his mouth and popping his fingers between his lips. He hummed around them and lifted his gaze to his boyfriend when he heard quiet chuckling.

"Wha'?" he asked, still licking his fingers. His eyes were wide and questioning.

"You're just so cute." Seokjin shook his head fondly, a giant grin plastered on his face. He continued stirring his own batter. He usually made his own whenever he was baking with his little boyfriend because his turned out much more well-made and better-proportioned than Jungkook's. In other words, Seokjin's was actually edible.

"Cute," Jungkook muttered under his breath. He smiled at the affection, then turned around so Seokjin couldn't see the blush dusting across his cheeks.

"Come here, pumpkin. Help me put them on the tray."

Jungkook bounced over to Seokjin happily, hair flopping into his eyes and obscuring his vision. If Seokjin wasn't so attentive and quick, Jungkook would've ran straight into the chair, but Seokjin guided him safely over.

"You remember how to roll them, right, flower?" Seokjin wiped Jungkook's hands with a baby wipe, determined to not let Jungkook's spit-covered hands into the dough — not again.

"Mhm!" he hummed. The little dried his hands quickly in the air by flapping them, then set off sticking his hands into the unmolded treat. "Whoa," he whispered, rolling some chocolate chips through his fingers.

"Roll them, baby," Seokjin laughed. "Don't just play."

Jungkook giggled and picked up a huge mound of dough. He settled it onto the tray as the first cookie, smiling back at Seokjin despite the older's frown.

"Hyung, that one's for me!" Jungkook grinned widely and his eyes disappeared from his face into beautiful thin lines.

"You shouldn't already be planning on eating so much, sugarplum," Seokjin sighed.

He let it slide this time since Jungkook had been so good that day. All the others were out running errands or hanging with their friends, so Seokjin had the day alone with his boyfriend. Jungkook awoke in his headspace and everything had fallen perfectly into place. Due to their schedules, the boyfriends barely ever had time to be together, especially completely alone.

Jungkook had insisted as dinner rolled around that they make cookies for everyone to come home to. He had explained that it would make them happy and oh, Jin-hyung, I love when they're happy. Seokjin was overly proud at how sweet and well-behaved he was.

"Oh, fuck!"

Seokjin snapped back to attention and his gaze immediately fell upon Jungkook staring down at the floor with a glare. There was a dropped piece of dough on the floor, presumably what had frustrated the little.


Jungkook gasped and covered his mouth with his gooey fingers. He looked up at Seokjin worriedly, frantically shaking his head. "No, hyung! I-I didn't mean to! I-It slipped!"

Seokjin tapped his foot as he crossed his arms. "Jungkookie, you just swore." He wiped his own hands with a towel and leaned against the counter.

"I — I'm sorry, I..." Jungkook huffed and looked down, wringing his hands together and absentmindedly registering how the dough felt between his fingers. "Sorry..."

"Finish making the cookies, honeybun." Seokjin kissed his forehead before he set off cleaning the mess left behind by the little's antics. "Then, we'll talk."

"Okay..." Jungkook nervously bit his lip and started to roll out more dough balls to place on the tray.

It took him another gruellingly quiet ten minutes to finish with the cookies and stand back so Seokjin could clean the dough from the floor.

"Alright, bunny," Seokjin said as he led Jungkook to the sink to wash his hands.

Jungkook was quiet, watching as the suds ran around his fingers and then down the drain. Usually, the rainbow glint on the bubbles would distract him and make him gawk, but he was much too uneasy about what Seokjin had in store for him.

Jungkook couldn't help it. He wasn't allowed to swear in front of his hyungs (unless it was Taehyung or Jimin or if he was telling a joke), especially if it was in a formal setting, but his hyungs could swear in front of him and it was just so easy to incorporate it into his own speech. Different forms of swears always managed to break free from his mouth, but Seokjin was only ever truly got mad when Jungkook swore when he was little. He'd even let that one time he swore in the practice room go, which Jungkook had been grateful for, but he didn't think he'd be as lucky this time.

"Jungkookie, would you meet me out in the living room?"

A paper towel drying his hands brought him out of his inner turmoil. He nodded and left the kitchen, then settled himself on the couch. Anxiety brimmed in his tummy and he couldn't help but fidget with his hands and feet as he waited.

After what felt like forever, Seokjin finally walked in the room with his hands clasped together. He looked pretty, as always — his turtleneck just went with his eyes so well. The white was complementary to Jungkook's baby blue shirt. As Seokjin got closer, Jungkook could smell the deodorant and body spray he was familiar with, and it helped calm him down a little.

"Baby, you know what you did wrong, right?" Seokjin's voice was light, but his dominance in the situation was palpable in the air. He wasn't being overbearing or intimidating, Jungkook was just so disappointed in himself.

"I swore... I'm sorry..." Jungkook looked down at his lap and sniffled. He moved his feet around, fluffy socks swishing with the carpet.

"You know I have to punish you, right?"

Jungkook nodded his head solemnly. He couldn't bring himself to look up at his boyfriend, didn't want to see any potential disappointment written across his features.

"What do you think is fair? No sweets for a week? No movies?" Seokjin crouched down in front of Jungkook. He lifted a hand to hold one of the younger's, quietly telling him that he wasn't mad, he was just doing his job as his caregiver.

"Please, don't take movies, Jinnie!" Jungkook used his free hand to wipe his eyes. "Needa watch Iron Man with hyungs! And, and Frozen and Ponyo and Sailor Moon and—"

"Okay, okay." Seokjin squeezed his hand reassuringly. "You can watch all the movies you want, bunny." He sighed. "That just means no sweets for a week."

Jungkook nodded again in understanding.

"Next time, it'll be two weeks, alright? So be good and watch that mouth." Seokjin lifted a finger to tap at Jungkook's mouth.

Jungkook let out the softest, cutest little giggle and Seokjin's heart nearly died then and there. He straightened his knees slightly so he could reach Jungkook's lips with his, kissing him for a moment or two just to see the blush and shy smile he loved so much.

"Because you're so excited about movies, why don't we watch them until the cookies are done?"

Jungkook squeaked and jumped from the couch in favour of rooting through their DVD stash. Seokjin collapsed onto the couch and pulled out a blanket — soft and fuzzy like Jungkook loved — and waited for the little to pop in the disc.

Jungkook returned to Seokjin's arms a few minutes later, pressing kiss after kiss to his hyung's cheek. Seokjin pulled him close, as close as their bodies allowed, and continued to hold him through the beginning scenes of the movie.

When all the others arrived home, Jungkook was quick to greet them all with welcome-home cheek kisses and two cookies each. He never put a cookie anywhere close to his mouth and he even brought his special giant one straight to Seokjin, urging his boyfriend to just take it, I want you to have it.

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