normal events at the dorm

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Jungkook, who had been resting on the couch, shot up so quickly his back cracked loudly in the room despite the music coming from the television's speakers. He pulled his blanket around him with a gasp and bounced up and down in excitement.

"Jinnie-hyung! Jinnie-hyung!" Jungkook rolled over and shook his boyfriend's shoulder. "Hyung, look!" He pointed at the television fiercely just as Tony Stark appeared.

"I see, bunny, I see," Seokjin chuckled. "You've seen this so many times—" Jungkook climbed into his lap and he was cut off momentarily. "—but you always get this excited."

"'Cause it's Iron Man, hyung!" He clasped his hands around Seokjin's neck. Jungkook smiled at the feeling of Seokjin's fingers rubbing circles on his waist.

"Yes, sweetie," Seokjin sighed with a grin.

While the little was entranced with the movie, Seokjin smoothed out his unruly hair with his fingers. Usually, Jungkook would pull away with a scrunched nose and frown, too fussy to hold still and have his hair done, but like this Seokjin could do as he pleased with it, so he took the opportunity.

"Whoa, Kookie! Is that Iron Man?!" Hoseok jumped over the back of the couch gracefully and landed on the cushions beside the boyfriends.

"Yeah! Hobi-hyung, look!" He lifted his arm once more to point at the screen.

"Wow," Hoseok sang, exaggerating for Jungkook's sake. "How cool!"

Seokjin smiled down at the awe on Jungkook's face. He stared with such wonder at the movie that Seokjin didn't have the heart to suggest they watch something else since they had already watched that movie at least six times that week. Jungkook just loved it too much.

"Bunny, let hyung up, okay?" Seokjin guided, using his hands on his hips to lead the little off of his lap. "Hyung's gonna go make some popcorn."

"Okay!" Jungkook chirped with his attention still on the movie. He didn't bother looking away. "Thank you!"

Hoseok pulled the youngest into his own lap while Seokjin left the room. Even from the kitchen, Jungkook's happy giggles and gasps could be heard clearly. Seokjin absentmindedly grinned as he listened.

"Iron Man?" Yoongi muttered from the table. He had a notepad and a pen laid out in front him. He was leaned back in his chair with a drink in one hand, looking up at Seokjin.

Seokjin nodded. He couldn't wipe the grin from his face. Yoongi stole a piece of popcorn from the bowl as Seokjin walked by him and grinned when the oldest scowled at him.

"Yes, Jungkookie, yes! It's Iron Man! I was just here!" Yoongi heard from the other room and he shook his head with a fond smile, going back to writing his notes.

"Jinnie-hyung!" Jungkook giggled as he rolled around on the floor. His arms were held tightly across his chest and his lips were stuck in a permanent smile. "Look at me!"

Taehyung glanced over the same time Seokjin did, but his happy laugh was a stark contrast to Seokjin's worried frown.

"Let me join you!" Taehyung giggled and launched himself over the back of the couch. He leaped over Jungkook and quickly situated himself behind him, beginning to roll along the hardwood floors with the maknae in lead.

"Boys, be careful," Seokjin warned. He bit his lip to stop his smile as he listened to their antics, trying his best to appear like a level-headed, protective caregiver. His boyfriend's giggles were just too hard to ignore.

"Alright, baby." Seokjin opened his arms wide and shifted so he was sitting comfortably on the couch. He smiled gently, reassuringly, as Jungkook launched himself onto his lap and cuddled into Seokjin's chest.

Jungkook snuggled his nose into Seokjin's neck and sighed happily. His arms wound around Seokjin's shoulders tightly and Seokjin giggled quietly, holding his boyfriend against him. Jungkook was so happy to just be in his arms, all safe, warm, and protected. Seokjin covered them both with a fuzzy blanket and cradled him, brushing his hair from his eyes. Jungkook gazed up at him with a wide smile, making Seokjin laugh quietly.

"What is it, bunny?" Seokjin asked. Jungkook looked much too happy to just be sitting with his boyfriend.

"Nothing," Jungkook sang. He giggled quietly and hugged Seokjin tighter. "I just missed you soooo much!"

Seokjin smiled gently and rubbed Jungkook's back. "You want something."

"Nuh uh!" Jungkook denied. He sat back on Seokjin's knees and pouted. "I swear! I jus'..." Jungkook bit his lip and fiddled with the buttons on Seokijn's shirt. "Missed Daddy."

Seokjin's face scrunched up as he cooed at Jungkook. He pulled the little back down and cooed even more at Jungkook's happy giggles. "Alright, baby, I'm here!"

After a little while of cuddling, Seokjin could hear Jungkook's breathing even out. He wasn't quite asleep yet, but he was certainly getting there. Seokjin hummed quietly and rocked the two of them back and forth to try and lull him to sleep.

Eventually, he sang a lullaby under his breath and he felt Jungkook's full weight press against him, so he picked his boyfriend up and carried him to his bedroom.

Once Jungkook was settled in bed and tucked under the blankets, Seokjin joined him and curled up around him. Jungkook unconsciously held Seokjin closer and the older sighed happily, brushing through his hair to keep him asleep and comfortable.

Jungkook trailed behind Seokjin as the oldest walked around the dorm. He had one sweater-pawed hand clinging to his hyung's shirt and the other was near his mouth as he bit on his nail. Seokjin barely paid attention to the way Jungkook followed him; it was much too common.

"Hi, Jungkookie," Taehyung said with a huge smile when the boyfriends walked into the kitchen. He waved in Jungkook's direction excitedly.

Jungkook used the hand that wasn't holding onto Seokjin to wave back with a shy grin. He returned the thumb to his mouth to resume chewing at the nail. Seokjin chuckled fondly.

"Breakfast, hyung?" Yoongi asked, walking into the kitchen as well. He ruffled Jungkook's hair momentarily before taking a seat at the table.

"Just give me a few minutes to make something." Seokjin began pulling ingredients from the cabinets and Jungkook stood there, content to watch him work.

Jungkook ran the material of Seokjin's sweater through his fingers as Seokjin prepared breakfast. He refused to let go of the clothing throughout the rest of the morning. Even when he came out of little space later that day, he had trouble not being attached to Seokjin constantly.

"Tanie!" Jungkook giggled loudly as the dog jumped into his arms. Yeontan licked all over his face and Jungkook couldn't contain his happy squeals and laughter.

Taehyung looked on fondly. They were on the floor and his puppy wouldn't get off of Jungkook, but Jungkook certainly wasn't upset about it. Jungkook eventually ran out of breath, so Taehyung pulled the dog into his arms to allow the youngest to breathe normally again. Jungkook didn't hide his disappointed pout. The little leaned closer so Yeontan could reach his nose. The dog licked his face hyperly.

"I really like him, Tae!" Jungkook nuzzled his face into the dog's soft fur.

"I know, button," Taehyung laughed. "You say so everyday."

"Just 'cause I really do!" Jungkook rested against Taehyung's legs and smiled when Yeontan curled up next to him. "Hi, Tan-ah."

Taehyung grinned and put a hand through Jungkook's hair. Yeontan looked jealous, so he pet the dog as well. Jungkook hid his face in the dog's fur and sighed, taking a moment to relax with his hyung and Yeontan until he could play again.

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