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"I'm okay! I promise!" Jungkook winced as he rubbed at his elbow. He wiped the sweat from his brow and got into position to start over for the hundredth time.

The new choreography he was learning had been kicking Jungkook's ass. There was one specific move he couldn't seem to get down despite hours of trying. He knew if he just kept practicing, he'd eventually get it, but he was too stubborn to take even a little break.

"You have to shift your weight, Kook." Hoseok held his hands on Jungkook's hips. "It's hard to remember in the moment, but that's your issue."

Jungkook nodded quickly. "Okay. One more time."

Seokjin tsked from the corner. "Jungkook-ah, you're dripping sweat. You're practically slipping on it. Take a break." Namjoon agreed with Seokjin by holding out a bottle of water.

"In a bit, hyung." Jungkook stared at himself in the mirror as he began his moves leading up to the problem area.

Seokjin waved him off for the time being and Jungkook was grateful for it. He continued practicing with help from both Jimin and Hoseok, but he was still having trouble landing the move.

After another hour passed, Jungkook groaned heavily and threw his beanie to the ground in frustration. "Fuck!"

"Language." Seokjin didn't bother to look up from his phone to scold his boyfriend.

Jungkook grumbled under his breath and put a hand through his damp hair. Jimin handed the youngest a water and Jungkook took it without a word, downing half the contents in a little over a second.

"It's late. Let's go home for tonight, alright? We can practice tomorrow morning," Hoseok suggested as he walked by him.

Jungkook stared angrily at himself in the mirror. His body was bruised in some places from the heavy falls he had taken. Most of his skin was just an irritated, fiery red. He could only stay still.

"Jungkookie." Taehyung noticed Jungkook was static despite the rest packing up to go to the dorm. "Get your stuff."

Jungkook worried his bottom lip as he brushed at his sore elbows. He frowned and gave his body a deadly look.


Jungkook shifted his weight to his left. He wasn't sure why, but something was seriously bothering him. Everything hurt. His mind fogged over unpleasantly.

"Kook, what's wrong?" Jimin asked, strolling over to him quickly. "Jungkookie." He reached out to touch him.

The second Jimin's fingers made contact with Jungkook's arm, Jungkook reacted as if he had been burned severely, jolting away as fast as possible and backing up.

At that point, the members were staring at Jungkook with a mixture of confusion and worry on their faces. Seokjin stepped over behind Jimin first.

"Jungkook-ah, what's going on?" Seokjin kept his distance. He didn't want Jungkook to be pushed further away.

Jungkook looked down at his arm where Jimin had touched him and covered it with his opposite palm. He stayed silent and breathed heavily through his nose. He stared at a spot on the floor and his leg began to shake.

Seokjin took a few steps closer. "Jungkook."

The youngest didn't look at him. Yoongi and Namjoon exchanged worried looks.

"Jungkook," Seokjin tried again, softer this time.

Jungkook met his boyfriend's eyes. Tears collected in the corners, blurring his vision as he begged Seokjin silently to say the word.

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