SEQUEL - Can't Get Enough - Chapter 7

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Addilyn's POV:

Mason and I are going on a date today! He won't tell me what we are doing though. I have asked him multiple times and all he says is "you'll see when we get there".  It's about two hours before we leave on our date and I am getting ready.

First I take a shower and dry my hair. Then, I brush my teeth and my hair and put a little bit of makeup on. Next, I pick out my outfit.

I pick a pair of light wash ripped jeans and a grey sweater. After I put my clothes on I find my grey Vans and slip them on. I pick out a silver layered necklace and some small silver hoops. 

By the time I'm done getting ready there is only an hour left before Mason gets here. I decide to read my book until he gets here. 


I hear an engine coming up through our driveway. I look out my window to see Mason pulling up in his car. I head downstairs to say goodbye to my parents.

"Have fun Addilyn", Mom says.

"Not to much fun", Dad grunts.

"Okay Dad", I laugh.

"Be back by 11 tonight", Dad says.

"Okay, I will", I reply.

I walk out of the house and to Mason's car. He gets out and opens the door for me. Then, he gets back in and we head off.

We talk on the way to wherever we are going. We start going up a mountain and I notice that we have gone out of town.

"Where are we?", I ask.

"You'll see", He smiles.

Soon, we pull up to the top of the mountain. There is a small path that leads down to a gazebo. we walk towards it and there is a table and food set up. Mason pulls out one of the chairs and motions for me to sit down. I sit down and he goes to do the same. 

"I asked Rachel and Daniel what your favorite foods were and I got them delivered here", he states. 

"Thank you Mason", I smile at him. We continue to eat and we talk about our families and things that interest us. 

We spend the rest of the day walking through the paths in the mountains. The night starts to descend upon us but we don't go home just yet. Mason pulls his car out near the edge of the mountain where there aren't any trees and gets blanket from the trunk of his car. We wrap ourselves in the blankets and look at the stars.

Mason looks over at me and I look at him. He starts to lean in and I do too. Just before our lips touch he stops and looks me in the eyes. He smiles and then smashes his lips onto mine and I melt into the kiss. We pull apart and I can fell the blush on my face.

"Addilyn, will you be my girlfriend?", he asks.

"I mean if I have too...", I laugh and he nudges my arm with a laugh.

We just stay there for a while until it's almost 10 pm and then head back to the car. As we walk back I feel eyes on me. I look to Mason but he is walking a bit ahead of me. Huh, that's weird. 

Sorry I didn't update. I've been everywhere lately and I had a bunch of test and quizzes. I will update soon. Love you!


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