Chapter 9

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Ok I am so sorry that I haven't updated in like 4 days maybe but are WiFi was down so we had to wait to get it up and running and I know that it sounds that I'm just making excuses and I don't want to update but I am really sorry.😔🙁😢😭😭😭😭😭

Rhydian's POV:

After Shannon and Tom left it was around 3:00 in the afternoon. So me and Maddy asked if we could go outside and run in the woods for a little bit. Right now me and Maddy are having a contest whoever can get to our tree first wins. I am running through the woods right now and I can't see Maddy. I keep looking I can tell she is around here I can smell her. I keep running maybe she beat me to the tree. I get to the tree and I look around, she isn't here. "MADDY, MADDY, WHERE ARE YOU", I yell hoping she would hear me.My eyes start turning yellow. I turn around and I see something running at me. It tackles me and pins me to the floor.

I look up and see that it's Maddy, she is laughing. "You scared the heck out of me", I say and look into her eyes. "I'm sorry", she says and her laughing stops. "It's fine, you really did catch me off guard though", I say and laugh. I shift and Maddy falls on top of me. We look into each others eyes and I start leaning in. She leans down, I can't wait anymore so I close the space and I start kissing her. All of our emotions are put into this kiss all the doubt over the other one not liking us back it vanishes, because I know right now that me and Maddy are meant to be together, and we should have been this way since the very start. I can't believe I almost left Maddy she means everything to me I never want to loose her. If I did I don't know what I would do, It's like I can't even live without her. Our lips move in sync and I move my hands to the small of her back. Her hand goes to my hair and our kiss turns into a full on make out session. I move my right hand up to her face and I caress her cheek. We pull apart and I look deeply into her eyes. "Maddy I love you", I say and it's like all I have ever felt for Maddy is in those four words. Her mouth curls up into a smile "I love you to Rhydian", she pecks my lips and we get up. I look into her eyes and our eyes are turning yellow. I don't even know whats happening but it feels right.

We shift into our wolf forms and we start running. We chase each other around and we get to the place were we fell into the leaf pile and ruined the badger stakeout. I can still remember how all the people looked when they saw us. Shannon and Toms expression was hilarious. I jump in the leafs and Maddy follows suit. We start wrestling in the leafs and we roll around. We spent what felt like hours just playing in the leafs together. I noticed it was soon going to be dark so I nudged Maddy with my nose signaling that it was time to start heading home. We got out of the leaf pile and shifted back into our human form. We started running home and since we were in the deep parts of the woods it took us about 10 minutes to get back to the house. We got there just in time the sun was just going down. We walk into the house and we are greeted by Daniel and Emma. "Dinner should be ready soon go clean up and get ready to eat, were having bacon and ham", Dan says and me and Maddy race up the stairs we go and clean all the leaves still stuck in our hair. We go into the bathroom and wash our hands and head down the stairs. "Y'all must be hungry", Dan says and we sit down. Emma brings in the ham and bacon, along with the mashed potatoes and green beans. "Emma sits down and we all dig in. "Mrs. and Mr. Smith, thank you for taking me in and doing all this for me", I say. "Rhydian you have never given us a reason not to trust you, and we are so sorry that we had doubted you but we know you would never put Maddy in harms way, and you will always look after her", Emma says and smiles at me I smile back, " At first i was sensitive to the idea of you being Maddy's mate but I know that you would do anything to protect her and would never hurt her", Dan says and looks at me. It sorta surprised me that he was so accepting to me and Maddy. "Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Smith", I say and dig back into my food. When we are all done eating me and Maddy head up to our rooms and I look at her. "Rhydian can I sleep with you?", Maddy ask. "Of course you can", I say and head into my room. I change into my night clothes and wait for Maddy to come in. Maddy comes in with her pj's on and we hop in bed. I turn off the light and wrap my arm around Maddy and she wraps her arms around me and lays her head on my chest.

" Night Mads, I love you", I says and close my eyes. "Night Rhydian, I love you",she says and drifts into sleep. I start thinking and go to sleep with one thing on my mind, Maddy and I slip into darkness with her on my mind. I am finally were I have belonged.

By the way this isn't a sexual story so I don't right that for kid shows try other story's if your into that. Not trying to offend you if you do.  I am super sorry😔😔😔😭😭😭. Love you guys and thanks for reading my story.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Oh and don't forget to comment on the grammar mistakes if any.

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