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"We should take her out for lunch and then tell her" I suggest

"Sure whatever you want" he smiles and I grab his hand kissing him

"This has been the best 2 months ever. I got married and I found out I'm pregnant"

"Do you think it will be a boy or girl?"

"I don't know but as long as it looks like you I'll be fine"
We get to Rae's school and pick her up

We drive to her second favorite restaurant mine being her hopeful first and get a table

"So Rae me and Kayleigh have to tell you something" Daniel says

"Wait first call her my mommy"

"Okay... Rae me and mommy have to tell you something"

"Okay go ahead"

"I may or may not be pregnant" I tell her

"Omg wait for real"

"Yeah for real"

"Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh I'm going to be a big sister Ahhhh" she squeals running over to me and hugging me

"Omg I have so many names"

"Woah calm down there"

"Sorry so what will the baby be to me"

"Your half sibling but that doesn't mean you will have half a relationship. You guys will still be siblings"

"Wait what's a half sibling"

"You guys share a dad but not a mom. Only half a person"

"Ohhh well I'll love them either way"

"Aw that's cute"

"I really can't wait. I hope it's a girl. A boy would be good but a girl is what I really want"

"I want a girl too" I tell her

"Just because you guys said that we'll have a boy" Daniel says and we all laugh
We get home from the restaurant and Rae has homework


Wow I love hearing that

"Yes Rae" I say coming into the kitchen

"What's 80 divided by 18"

"Woah big numbers"

"I know can you help me"


I sit down and we work the problem out together

Wow my life is perfect. I'm married to the best sweetest boy ever, I have the nicest step child that treats me like she's my blood child, and I'm having a new baby of my own.

Nothing can ruin my happiness.

✅ Step-daughter// D.S ✅Where stories live. Discover now